Can someone combine this card with fractal in order to fill his/her hand with cards in order to discard them on purpose and gain the
quanta? Just posting an idea.
Anyway, I think this card can cost 1
or 2
less. Other than that, awesome idea. Odin Vanguard is officialy now my faved card designer. 8)
Yes, thats the idea. You would use it with fractal or nightmare to gain a little

each round.
do you mean increase the discard threshold as in to make it so you have to discard earlier? I guess it's just how you read it. it's kinda expensive for not that much benefit imo.
Yes, thats basically right. So with 2 of these out players would discard anytime they had 6 or more cards in hand.
With all 6 out, players would discard anytime they had 2 or more cards.
... if there somehow ever got to be 8 or more out, players would discard every turn... They would also gain a good chunk of

for it as well.
I will work on modifying this to have a lower cost in a bit, once this round of brawl ends.