ggs, I suppose that deck would've fared well vs quanta denial decks
GhostmareHover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vj 4vj 4vj 5oi 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5ru 5s4 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5up 5v1 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 6rs 7q5 7tb 7tb 80a 8ps
It's curious how often I drew some card copies ^_^ Never got to do Ghost + Nightmare though o:
Game 1
No fog + good start for me, AnnaMall had no idea what to expect and was shocked by my odd tactics :
Game 2
Worst quanta start of all games. Not to mention all 3 Dragons in starting hand and AnnaMall had early Dragons, too. Since it was more than one pillar/pend I figured I'd save mulligan for when I'd get screwed more badly. Lost, but it was close, a bit more luck vs fog and I might even have won.
Game 3
Good start with early Nymph, got an Hourglass shortly after it died so I could keep drawing cards. AnnaMall didn't get a lot of Sky Dragons, so gg.
Game 4
Another early Nymph, I saved up creatures to deal with Owl's Eye and easily managed to get stuff on time.