
Offline AticoTopic starter

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Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« on: May 12, 2012, 02:59:00 pm »
1 :light

Remove all acquired effects from target creature and protect it for 1 turn
1 :light

Remove all acquired effects from target creature and protect it for 2 turns


This is anti-CC for Light. It remove all negative effects like Congeal, Poison (creature) or Antimatter and allow You protect this card by 1 (2) turns against next CC, which is very important against cards like Arctic Squid or Nymphs.
It is also fantastic card for tactic in game, it can be used against opponent acquired effects like Adrenaline or Liquid Shadow.

Q: Ohh it is pretty OP, especially for 1 :light
A: Lighting can destroy 80% creatures also by 1 :aether. This card didn't destroy, only remove acquired effects.

Q: Fine, but maybe remove protect
A: No no. This card has got sense only with protect. Without protect this card is totally UP against all cards like Artcic Squid, EE and all massive CC decks

« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 09:38:12 am by Atico »

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 04:27:51 am »
This card seems really cool, and will probably be used a lot in light decks.

About the wording, 'by one turn' could be 'for one turn'.
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Offline AticoTopic starter

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 09:27:41 am »
Thanks, I will change this text soon :)

What do You think about targetting permaments by this card? Maybe freeze weapons aren't so popular, but protecting permament by 1 (2) turns might be useful.


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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 10:03:07 am »
I can see now what you're talking about, dear Attico, however your suggestion is much different than OldTrees suggestion. OldTrees said about just protecting the creature for 1 turn, while your card restores the creature's status to normal AND protects it for 1-2 turns, so your Incipient is pretty well balanced (not OP or UP) but OldTrees suggestion was UP. I like your suggestion, I will follow this card's development.  :)
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Offline AticoTopic starter

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 10:26:01 am »
Yes, maybe OldTrees's suggestion in HolyLight topic was less useful than this, but we must remember that HolyFlash can be used in all decks (0 cost), this card is only for Light. But I am happy that You like my idea and I am waiting for next Players opinions :)

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2012, 09:32:51 pm »
There are 2 different cards... Your idea from 2010 is about only negative effects, so Your card is only useful on own creatures. It is also problem to decide which effect is negative. Adrenaline is negative or positive? Sometimes Adrenaline can be negative (on antimatter or poison creature, also against SoSa), sometimes is useful.
My idea is easier to describe, gives much more tactics and it is useful on own creatures and against opponent (as very soft CC).


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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2012, 10:04:36 pm »
No offense, moomoose, but I like Atico's card idea more than yours. They may look similar, but they're not the same and I prefer Atico's "version" of this card.
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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2012, 10:12:04 pm »
There are 2 different cards... Your idea from 2010 is about only negative effects, so Your card is only useful on own creatures. It is also problem to decide which effect is negative. Adrenaline is negative or positive? Sometimes Adrenaline can be negative (on antimatter or poison creature, also against SoSa), sometimes is useful.
My idea is easier to describe, gives much more tactics and it is useful on own creatures and against opponent (as very soft CC).

actually its pretty easy to classify effects as positive or negative, adrenaline for example would be lumped in with the positives even though there are a few select set of circumstances where it would be negative.

and i am 99% sure an almost identical card was also submitted, i will try to remember what it was- it may have been a time card, or possibly an air card, i believe it was phrased something along the lines of 'returned to its base card', ill poke around for it.

here are  a few i found, cant seem to find the exact one i was thinking of, however, but still, it isnt a novel idea-
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 10:21:31 pm by moomoose »
moose dont say moo.

Offline AticoTopic starter

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2012, 05:46:35 am »
Comparing my idea with Your or with linked posts is like comparing Cockatrice with Psion ;) Both has got the same stats, but both are different.

My idea works against positive and negative effects. Your no. Is it really easy to say which effect is negative/positive? Is Mutation on RoL positive? Mutation on Dragon also? Liquid Shadow is positive?
Your upped card idea looks more similiar to Quint. Your card protect against bad effects. My card remove bad/acquired effects. It is like comparing Explosion with PA.

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2012, 05:56:00 am »
There are 2 different cards... Your idea from 2010 is about only negative effects, so Your card is only useful on own creatures. It is also problem to decide which effect is negative. Adrenaline is negative or positive? Sometimes Adrenaline can be negative (on antimatter or poison creature, also against SoSa), sometimes is useful.
My idea is easier to describe, gives much more tactics and it is useful on own creatures and against opponent (as very soft CC).

actually its pretty easy to classify effects as positive or negative, adrenaline for example would be lumped in with the positives even though there are a few select set of circumstances where it would be negative.

and i am 99% sure an almost identical card was also submitted, i will try to remember what it was- it may have been a time card, or possibly an air card, i believe it was phrased something along the lines of 'returned to its base card', ill poke around for it.

here are  a few i found, cant seem to find the exact one i was thinking of, however, but still, it isnt a novel idea-

The first 2 are the same links, and I'm pretty sure the third one was never made.
All three, however, are  :time, and revert all creatures back to original states. Incipient removes effects, but does not change Attack/Hp. It also works as Divine shield.
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Offline AticoTopic starter

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Re: Incipient | Incipient (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2012, 06:45:24 am »
There are 2 different cards... Your idea from 2010 is about only negative effects, so Your card is only useful on own creatures. It is also problem to decide which effect is negative. Adrenaline is negative or positive? Sometimes Adrenaline can be negative (on antimatter or poison creature, also against SoSa), sometimes is useful.
My idea is easier to describe, gives much more tactics and it is useful on own creatures and against opponent (as very soft CC).

actually its pretty easy to classify effects as positive or negative, adrenaline for example would be lumped in with the positives even though there are a few select set of circumstances where it would be negative.

and i am 99% sure an almost identical card was also submitted, i will try to remember what it was- it may have been a time card, or possibly an air card, i believe it was phrased something along the lines of 'returned to its base card', ill poke around for it.

here are  a few i found, cant seem to find the exact one i was thinking of, however, but still, it isnt a novel idea-

The first 2 are the same links, and I'm pretty sure the third one was never made.
All three, however, are  :time, and revert all creatures back to original states. Incipient removes effects, but does not change Attack/Hp. It also works as Divine shield.

I think that this card should change attack/hp against growthing creatures. Growth is also acquired effect. And here is the biggest difference between my and his idea. His card against LavaGolem deck is unuseful. My card can reverse stats for only one creature and protect it. Idea from link turns stats for all field and delay them (big OP). Three cards and three others effect against the same deck. If someone think that this idea is OP against LavaGolem then please look on Lighting, which can destroy it. This card still keep Golem on field. It is very soft CC because the main idea of this card is removing effects like Antimatter or Congeal. But sometimes can be useful as tactic card, the same like Liquid Shadow.

It only shows that Players searching for card effects like this and they want to see card like this. It will be better to talk about balance than searching cards from 2010 which has got similiar but other effect.

What is more, only this card is really effective antiCC against for example Purple Nymph.

