Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
The Ultimate: Bone-buildHover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 786 786 786 786 786 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 816 816 816 816 816 816 8pm
Mark of

is optional if you feel that you don't need to use the abilties the Shard Golem has and you want the extra draws from SoBe instead; you can also consider replacing the Quantum Towers with Novas if you're not afraid of Black Holes, and you also can't claim that you're playing a Mono Other deck. XD
Spoiler for Options for the last 2 cards:
-Purify: Counters SoSac decks and anything with Poison in it.
-Explosion: Get rid of nasty non-shield permanents like Eclipes in Mono-Darks, etc.
-Protect Artifact: In case the opponent plays PC to destroy your Shards of Freedom to slow down your Shard Golem's damage.
-Improved Fog: Haxx Shield OP.
-Thunderbolt/Rewind: Good CC.
-Precognition: Gets through the deck even faster.
I personally recommend 2 Improved Fogs.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
77i 7dm 7gq 7n0 7q4 7qb 80a 8po
Intro: The aim of this deck is to build yourself a Shard Golem that has Immortality, which allows you to use any addional Shards of Wisdom you draw to buff it and give it spell damage; Airborne which gives your Golem a chance to Critically Strike for 50% extra damage if you play any additional Shards of Freedom (or before you contruct the Golem). Shards of Bravery and a Mark of

allows you to draw through your deck quickly and use the Golem's abilities.
This deck also kills Silver League quite efficiently. Immaterial Chimera vs. Mono Aethers are fun.
Strategies: General strategy:
-Don't play the Shard of Integrity until you have at least 2 Shards of Wisdom, because with only 1 of it in your hand your Shard Golem won't have Immortality.
Spoiler for SoR version:
-Don't play the Shard of Integrity until you have at least 2 Shards of Readiness, because with only 1 of it in your hand you will get a Shard Golem with Burrow (see ability table), same with anything less than 5 Shards of Integrity. You CAN, however, go for a


ability if the greatest amount of a kind of Shard in your hand is Shard of Bravery or Shard of Wisdom.
Spoiler for SoG version:
-You must change your Mark to

-If you think you'll be facing a rush deck, play all your SoGs in your starting hand before making a Immortal Golem with a



ability to damage your opponent.
-If you think you will go against a slower deck, play your SoI to consume all the Shards you have in your hand for more damage; play any additional SoG as defence if you get them.
Here is a list of abilities you can get from creating a Shard Golem and the stats it will have:
33 damage Thunderbolt OP!

Deju Vu Spell Damage Golem!