Sideboard Summaries: Cheesy111 3 – 1 DevilLoss
Deck used in all matches:
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55s 55s 55s 55s 55s 55s 55t 55t 55t 561 561 562 562 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pl
G1. Great hand, mid-game GPull brought me the victory along with fantastic draws.
G2. DL freezes my titans. I keep meaning to accel his chrysaoras but fantastic draws mean I must outrush him. 2xfrozen accel’d catatitans = gg.
Between G2 and G3 I consider trashing one of my gpulls for one more pend, but I figure that recluses are more dangerous to me than chrysaoras so I keep it.
G3. 4AW opening hand = FML. DL plays poisondials, which doesn’t really matter to me all that much. 8 pends and 5 AWs in the first 15 cards >.>. By half my deck I have only two titans out with no modifiers, no cata, nothing. Have to topdeck ANY source of damage or Gpull to win with 3 titans on the field vs his 23hp. He plays a dial – doh – shouldn’t have flown that last titan. Topdeck titan but he has damage out, gg. Needed a gpull or an earlier accel or a cata. Surprisingly close considering starting hand.
G4. Initial titan with cata, gpx2, AW. Not bad but I really need another titan to make this work. Draw an accel, awesome. Still need another titan though. Worried about damage, so I AW/accel titan. Draw another cata -.-. 5 titans / 20 cards remaining. TOPDECK TITAN HECK YEAH. NOW WE’RE COOKING. Play catapult, should be ezwin from here. An AW would be win. He starts to dialstall, I topdeck my AW, figure out that I don’t need it, and hit him for exact damage with 46hp Titan + 7 from weapon titan.
Overall I feel like my sideboard picks left him with little room for choice. Freeze would increase cata damage, I could Gpull to keep my damage high and draw the damage of his recluses away, and my titans usually hit for more than he did through dials. GGs DL.