hainkarga: 3
TheonlyrealBeef: 1
I dreaded the sight of RoL Hope and built decks to counter that one deck. Game descriptions shall describe the rest:
Game 1:
Had a good start, hainkarga's late Hope had me deal enough damage to allow for early (before 75

) Siphoning. Was a bit scared the turn right before it that I would get my face filled with Dragons.
Game 2:
Deck that could do well against defenseless offense decks, RoL/Hope is quite the opposite...
Knew chance was big to see RoL Hope all the way, but uhm, you can always Hope!
Game 3:
Worked game 1, so why not again?
1 Pillar start's why, on top of that hainkarga had a godlike RoL rush, too ;_;
Game 4:
I built this deck for the case when I knew 99.9% sure I'd face RoL Hope, it's supposed to do early damage, hang on with Dusk while gathering quanta for Drains. Both Hope and the Dragon came earlier than I hoped for, and my second Lightning/fourth Drain Life never showed. 2 hp left fml.