Community-based PvP Balance
The problem
Put simply, PvP is unbalanced. Certain cards and strategies are far stronger than the rest of the cards. These imbalanced cards and strategies are used too much, which makes the metagame less fun and not as interesting.
The community should control PvP balance.
The community, specifically the skilled players of PvP, have a larger understanding of competitive PvP than zanz does. They have played more PvP and know the metagame far more well. It makes sense that the more experienced players know what is best for balancing the game better than someone without very much PvP experience. Another reason is that zanz might not always intend to balance the game purely based on PvP. This wouldn't surprise me, because players interested in competitive PvP make up a very small minority compared to players only interested in playing the AI and playing Arena. Ideally, the PvP community would balance PvP.
The community can balance PvP.
Competitive PvP is run almost completely by the community. The community hosts leagues, tournaments, and more. The community also controls the rules of these events and potential banned cards. By banning cards that have a negative effect on the metagame, competitive PvP can be improved by the community.
Changes to the Leagues
In order for players to know what to ban, it helps to have an unrestricted test environment. It would be best to have the League schedule slightly changed. There would be an unrestricted testing season for one month and a restricted full season for three months, each twice a year. The unrestricted testing season would have smaller prizes due to its shorter length. Its main purpose would be to help players determine which cards are imbalanced in an unrestricted metagame. The restricted full season will not allow cards banned by the PvP Council.
The PvP Council
The PvP Council will be a small group of skilled, experienced, active PvP players that develop the League Ban List. The PvP Council will likely consist of around 9 players, but the size is not certain. These players will be chosen shortly after the end of the unrestricted testing league season. The PvP Council will discuss and vote on which cards should be banned.
Choosing the PvP Council
I have in mind three different options for choosing the PvP Council. I have briefly listed their pros and cons.
- PvP Organizers appoint PvP Council Members.
With this option, the League Organizers, Tournament Organizers, PvP Event Organizers, Warmasters, and Trialmasters appoint the PvP Council members.
Pros: The PvP Council is chosen by knowledgeable, experienced forum members. These members can weigh PvP ability with other factors, such as player personalities and general forum activity.
Cons: The decision is chosen by humans, which means statistical information about players could be weighed improperly. Also, there are few players involved in the selection of the PvP Council Members; the sample size is small.
- The entire community votes on PvP Council Members.
Pros: Every member has a vote and influences the results. There are more players involved in the selection of the PvP Council Members; the sample size is large.
Cons: There are many uninformed and inexperienced voters. Also, the decision is chosen by humans, which means statistical information about players could be weighed improperly.
- PvP Organizers design a point system to choose PvP Council Members.
The PvP Organizers throughout the forum would give different point values to different PvP achievements, such as tournament wins and league ratings. The PvP Council spots would be given to players with the highest point totals.
Pros: The PvP Council members are chosen purely by statistics; there is little bias in the system. There is also more competition in PvP because the PvP Council spots will be chosen purely by overall PvP performance.
Cons: The specific point values would be hard to determine and widely debated. Also, information such as player personalities and general forum activity would not be considered.
Changes to competitive PvP
The League Ban List not only applies to the restricted League seasons, but also acts as a guideline for competitive PvP. Other PvP competitions do not have to use the League Ban List, but they are recommended to prevent the cards on the League Ban List from being overpowered in their events. PvP Events that would not originally have restrictions on banned cards (Team PvP, There Can Only Be One, and others) are recommended to incorporate the PvP Council Ban List.
If the PvP Council is created and the Leagues are modified, competitive PvP will greatly improve. Instead of playing in an unbalanced metagame and hoping for zanz to nerf overpowered cards, the metagame will be balanced by the most experienced and skilled players of the community. More different types of decks will become competitively viable, and originality will be rewarded. Competitive PvP will be better and far more interesting than ever before.