Wins: 13
I have tried it in the simulator against level 5 AI (200HP, triple mark, double draw, all upped), so something very similar to platinum arena:
This is the result I got from 100 games:
Winrate: 13 %
Average TTW: 20.53846153846154
EMs: 12
EM rate: 92.3076923076923 %
Wins: 87
Winrate: 87 %
Average TTW: 22.195402298850574
EMs: 87
EM rate: 100 %
So this does not look like a very high win ratio...
I certainly haven't managed to maintain the high winrate I saw from my first games, but I'm still experimenting with tweaking the deck, so I haven't started collecting any formal winrate stats yet until I have a stable version I'm happy with. I will say that my winrate is well above 13%, though (prob closer to 50%). Playing this deck is a finely balanced game of judgement, so I don't think the AI could play it very well in the simulator, hence the much lower success rate. The absolute key to playing this deck is staying alive for 20-24 turns. SoDs/Sosacs are not alone sufficient to guarantee you can do this. To boost your chances of managing this requires careful judgement on when to play SoSacs.
There are basically two ways in which this deck can lose. (1) opponent has so many SoD/GS that you cannot bring their HP below 3. This will also occur if opponent has mindgate and gets your SoDs. Against opponent like this it is an automatic quit. (2) You can't play a SoSac when you need to. This can, of course, happen for any number of reasons. E.g. You were forced to play them all early and ran out; you did not draw one in time; Your HP dropped below 40 (because opp wittled you down with small attacks, you didn't draw enough sods or you just drew your last sosac too late).
There don't seem to currently be very many decks in plat at the moment which cause a type 1 loss (although, of course if this deck ever became popular, that would change overnight), so I'm thinking mainly about how to reduce the probability of a type 2 loss. I.e ways to improve chances of staying alive long enough for otk. Ideas for this I've played with so far inlude:
Adding a shield to deck. In general, shields are considered to work poorly with sosac because they reduce the amount of healing you can get. I'm not convinced, however, that this is a firm rule. Ways that shields might help are
a) a shield that lasts a few turns can keep you alive just long enough for sosac to do the rest. This could be dim shield (a bit too expensive though, so may require a

pillar to support); wings (too many winged creature for this to work reliably however); diss shield (not enough qt in deck to power this for long, but could last a couple of turns); bones (this works well with sosac 'cos you're most likely to have the quanta for it. Downside is that it might not last more than one turn which only makes up the lost draw incurred by including it in the deck. I've tried mixing this with a plague timed so that opp.s creatures die when bonewall is up, but so far not git this to work reliably);
b) a shield that reduces damage might be useful in later stage of game by increasing number of turns you can wait between playing sosac. But, the best of these shields are prob too expensive to be able to play when you need them.
Also experimented with earlier suggestion of a putting a precog in deck. Didn't seem to help much, but might try it again.
I'll post again once I've got more experience with how and if it is possible to make this deck really reliable. Also any suggestions about how to improve it gratefully received.