Thank you for all yout valueable input. Let me comment on some of your posts.
it adds nothing to the metagame and removes a significant portion of it.
Definitly true. I did not think about that aspekt. Do you have a link that helps to understand the metagame mechanics in a better way?
... Automatic victory.
1 reflective shield/mirror shield
3 This
Yes a very bad combo which speaks strongly against this card. However, it would not be 1shield/3this but rather 1shield/6this. Do not forget that you only have 50% chance to get want you want even with the shield. And you are not able to chain the card. So it would take 6 turns achieve your described combo wich is totally inefficient. In 6 turns your opponent will also be healed for 3 turns.
This card is like "Toss a coin, if head, you win this game"
False, it only gives you one last chance. More dangerous and even less effective than playing one Miracle or some healing spells.
Even if this card was balanced, ...
Yes, I do not have much experience in balancing. Let me give you some rational behind my decision:
Fire Bolt gives you 100% chance to deal up to 40damage for a cost of 3 quanta per card, or 43HP for the cost of 1 quanta per card in the upgraded version -> AoN gives you the chance of 25% to deal 40 damage for 3 quantaHeal gives you 20HP for 3 quanta (2 quanta upgraded), chained you only need to play 2 to achieve 100% heal of 40HP -> AoN costs 3quanta to achieve the same effect in 25%Miracle heals you fully which micht be more tahn 100HP for 15/12 quanta -> you need at least 3 AoN to get the same result over 3 turns, and chance are against you to get the desired result
So my summary at the moment is that AoN is not that unbalanced as it might appear at first glance. It seems that it is easiliy overlooked that the card cannot be chained and that it is only 50% to gain anything from the card (ot otherwise loose). So this card would only help eventually and does not allow an automatic win at all.
The main argument against it is that it does not add to the metagame. I still like it though.
Thanks again for your comments. It helps me a lot to get a feeling for new cards.