
Offline HyroenTopic starter

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5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg463516#msg463516
« on: February 22, 2012, 07:27:31 pm »
Trials of Air :                FINAL BATTLE
:airbig                                                                                                :airbig

:airbig                                                                                                :airbig
When:Friday Mar. 2, 6-9PM GMT


Congratulations to Jenkar for his victory.

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Deck import code : [Select]
4td 4td 4td 4td 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 6rb 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7n7 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pr

Match 1 - Loss
*Blank cards are SoSa
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Deck import code : [Select]
4vk 4vk 4vk 4vk 4vk 4vk 4vp 4vp 4vp 6rb 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mv 7mv 7mv 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n9 7n9 8pj

Match 2 - Loss
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Deck import code : [Select]
5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 7an 7an 7an 7an 7an 7an 7ap 7ap 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mv 7mv 7n0 7n0 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pn

Match 3 - Win, Match 5 - Win, Match 7 - Win
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Deck import code : [Select]
52q 52q 52q 52q 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 713 713 713 713 713 713 71a 71a 7mt 7mt 7mt 7n8 7n8 7n8 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pk

Match 4 - Win, Match 6 - Loss, Match 8 - Loss
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Deck import code : [Select]
5oc 5oc 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 6rb 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u7 6u7 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 8pj

Match 9 - Loss
Thank you to those who supported us. May you serve :air Air not just today or tomorrow, but as long as you can.

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Offline Jenkar

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  • Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.Jenkar is truly a Titan, worthy of respect and acknowledgement.
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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen - Jenkar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg465041#msg465041
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2012, 08:42:17 am »
I was totally expecting : a sod/sanc stall, and cp wyrms. Cp wyrms only appeared last game.

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Deck import code : [Select]
4vc 4vg 5oc 5oc 5oc 5og 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 6ts 6ts 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 7ms 7ms 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pj

Handsome, lovable deck. Filled to the brim with CC, antimatter is godly, and eagles allow you to win muchas quickly. Never saw the SoX in hyro's deck, but i doubt they'd have helped
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Deck import code : [Select]
5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 71b 71b 71b 71b 71b 71b 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pk

Mutants are awesome. First mutant : the wtf air dragon, with dive. So much *concentrated* damage. Which this deck is strong against. say hi to bonewall, Shockwaves and eagle eyes. Next is a devouring golden dragon. Soooo useful :P Next is a destroying abomination, and here come my two fails (who didn't save hyro) : not playing eagles (since i had enough to shockwave kill him), and then not playing shock when it'd have won me the game one turn earlier.

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Deck import code : [Select]
5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oi 5oi 5pu 5pu 6ts 6ts 6ts 6tt 6tt 6tt 6u5 6u5 6u5 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7oe 7oe 8pj

Countered. Nothing else to say.

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Deck import code : [Select]
5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5oi 5oi 5pu 5pu 7gk 7gk 7gp 7gp 7gp 7gr 7gr 7gr 7i6 7i6 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pp

Only one toad killed me.

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Deck import code : [Select]
5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 71b 71b 71b 71b 71b 71b 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pk

Tense, very tense match. I slowly saw what hyro was going at : confusing me between his poison and his adrenastaves, which countered either my entropy or my death stall. Wasn't sure how to escape it yet.

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Deck import code : [Select]
4vc 4vg 5oc 5oc 5oc 5og 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 6ts 6ts 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 7ms 7ms 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pj

Won because that diss blocked poison. I have to thank cal who suggested this addition after some tests.

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Deck import code : [Select]
5og 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 744 744 744 744 744 74c 74c 74c 74c 74c 74c 74h 74h 74h 7ms 7ms 7n7 7n7 7n7 7oe 7oe 8pl

Catatans. Too slow a quanta start to win, ended losing by one turn.

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Deck import code : [Select]
4vc 4vg 4vg 4vg 4vg 50u 5oc 5oc 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 6ts 6ts 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 7ms 7ms 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pj

Got two matches ago what he was going to use now and, more importantly, what to use to defeat it while staying strong vs adrenastaves. two disses in opening hand allowed me to play early one, have him break it, build quantum and win with second.

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Deck import code : [Select]
5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5og 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 6ts 6ts 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 7ms 7ms 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pj

My first prototype version of this deck. Hard counter is hard. Was totally afraid of butterfly effect, but instead was completely O.Oed by antimatter. Won with scares, by deciding to rush it out instead of controling.

I have three sets of people to thank.
First, Hyroen. Many thanks for being the awesome fighter that i had expected. I was trembling all the finals.
Secondly, everyone who cheered me on, and especially ralouf & cal, who helped me tons by simulating Hyroen.
Thirdly, kev. I find it sad that no one says thanks to the personn who organises all this fun for us. So thank you for all your efforts.
The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
Beautiful art : http://i.imgur.com/eUhyYCC.png

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen - Jenkar https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg465069#msg465069
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2012, 12:00:01 pm »
perfect time for me :D looking forward this match GL to both but a little more to Jenky cuz he is frenchmate and a friend
War Se7en

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg466516#msg466516
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2012, 09:14:59 pm »
Second match was cray.  First a Damselfly goin' all ROAR and turning into an Azure Dragon with Dive and then an Abom with Destroy.  It was hard for me to place bets on this match due to the player skill being so top-notch, and in the end I wasn't disappointed in the slightest.

Congratulations, Jenkar.
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals"

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg466531#msg466531
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2012, 10:44:36 pm »
Congrats Jenky! And tough loss Hyroen but looks like it was a great fight. Bring glory to air next war!

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg466545#msg466545
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2012, 11:48:12 pm »
Congratulations Jenkar!

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg466566#msg466566
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2012, 01:00:11 am »
Congrats Jenky!
Gone for awhile now, though I still pop by from time to time.

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg466654#msg466654
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 06:43:47 am »
Congrats once again jenky!
You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.

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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg466660#msg466660
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 07:05:38 am »
4-5! That's really close. And it only shows that you two are great players to keep the match going to its fullest. Great job!
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
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Re: 5th Trials - [Air Finals] Hyroen 4 - 5 ♦Jenkar♦ https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=36903.msg467141#msg467141
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2012, 07:00:05 am »
You've made it Jenky. Congratulations.
TIME is around us. It flows silently, trying to take everything away from us.
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blarg: Jenkar,Hyroen