Neurotoxin has long considered as deadly venom, not because it kills fast, but because it kills painfully. It paralyzes your muscle, killing you by not allowing you to breathe while letting you conscious all the time. Its natural sources are scorpions, snakes, and jellyfishes. And blue ring octopus. And now you know.
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6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 71a 71a 74a 74a 7dm 7dm 7jv 7jv 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 80a 80a 8ps
This is a simple rainbow neurotoxin deck. You know the drill. Pendulum, SN, scorpion, buff. Enjoy!
Also has CC and PC against opposing threats.
Why the random Arsenic? Well, poison stack with neurotoxin, and it can also helps rack poison.
-2 Arsenic +2 Dune Scorpion for more consistency
-2 Thunderbolt (or -2 Explosion) +2 Wings for stalling
-2 Thunderbolt -2 Explosion +4 Sundial for alternative? -2 Blessing +2 Unstoppable if so.
Weakness including:
BH, obviously
Purify, more obviously
Faster rush, less obviously
Comments and suggestions are welcomed.