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NAME: | Shard of Resonance
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Produce 1 (2 if mark) of your mark's quanta for each creature of that color you control.
| NAME: | Shard of Resonance
| ELEMENT: | Other
| COST: | 5
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | Produce 1 (2 if mark) of your mark's quanta for each creature of that color in play.
ART: | Art generated by recolorizing shard of divinity link to this cards modified version of the artwork below: http://i.imgur.com/UEXAh.png
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | Concept for earth's shard
| SERIES: | |
Not sure who did the original shard artwork. Please let me know so I can give credit since this is just a recolorization of the shard of divinity to make it look like an earth shard.
I think this fits the earth theme well since rigid, solid objects tend to resonate with vibrations of the correct frequency.
The concept is that the shard is tuned to your mark and picks up on the vibrations that creatures make in the ground as they move about and converts it to energy. Since earth would be the most solid and rigid element it produces extra quanta for earth marks.
Note that the difference between unupgraded and upgraded is that unupgraded, only your own creatures are counted whereas upgraded, ALL creatures get counted.
An alternate idea, if this seems to OP, would be to make it produce whenever a card of the appropriate color is played.