Main reason why I don't like the card is that it's pretty situational. If you want more copies of your own weapons, just use crusaders or flying weapon. The only specialty I see it has is that it can deanimate opponent's weapons...but at the cost of 2 and the maximum benefit that does is replace your opponent's current weapon with the one you target. Besides, CC is way more available than PC.
Yes you can use crusader for pseudo-copies, but that's a restricting focus. You could use more weapons overall with this instead of relying on crusaders.
Also I was of the opinion that weapons when de-animated would go to their respective weapon slot, not all going to the opponent's slot.
Edit: Updated the notes.
Why would you ever want to deanimate your weapon? Unless it got antimattered or something. Besides, weapons are more valued for their ability rather than their attack, so perhaps you would even accept a negative weapon because of its useful ability.
The only advantage this has over animate weapon is that its reusable, but what actual good combat deck has the need for so many repeated animate weapons? This isn't even as good as animate weapon in the case of morning glory since it's untargettable. While Crusaders may be restricting because of their
requirement, this requires both