Nice, a full answer to question 1.
Your answer to question 2 was incomplete but that was in part due to my conciseness. In part to you missing the first half.
2) Why introduce Fear via a teaching spell? Consider both this form of teaching spell relative to alternative teaching spell variants and consider teaching spells compared to status effects, a temporary result of an activated ability or a shield effect.
This one is definitely trickier, but I believe it is because I want to give this card effect a limit. If a creature were to have such an ability to cause other creatures to gain "fear," it could be easily overpowered through cards like Quintessence.
At the same time, I don't want this to be temporary. I want creatures to be made to feel emotion, to go along with the series. Attacking creatures at their core and indirectly making them weaker (or stronger) is powerful.
I don't want them to fear a shield (through its effect). I don't want them to fear the creature/ability it possesses. I want the targeted creature to fear everything.
Fear is used -> Creature is forevermore cautious.
The teaching spell mechanic has many variations as I detailed in my first post.
You chose a
Single Target spell that teaches an
Active ability that can
only affect Vanilla creatures rather than Lobotomizing.
1) Why single vs mass?
2) Why targeting? (You can ignore this one. Targeting is the design default.)
3) Why is Fear an active (lobotomizable) ability rather than passive (non lobotomizable)?
4) Why only affect Vanilla creatures rather than Lobotomizing the target's previous active ability if it had one?
I can see 4 ways to implement Fear. It could be a Teaching Spell, Status effect, a temporary result of an activated ability or a shield effect.
Teaching spell variants are covered in parts 1-4
Status effects vary between temporary ones like Freeze and permanent ones like Adrenaline. You mentioned in your post that you wanting Fear to be permanent.
5) What about a permanent status instead of a taught ability on the target?
Momentum and Immaterial are both active abilities and permanent status effects. This causes the status effect to be vulnerable to lobotimization while permitting it coexisting with a new taught ability (Accelerating Chargers have both a Momentum status and the Acceleration active ability.)
6) What about a teaching spell that bestows Fear as a permanent status that is also an active ability?
The activated ability and shield options were discussed in your post.