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Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:12:01 pm »
Time Animus
2 | 2
2 turns after you summon or generate Time Animus, draw up to 2 cards.  Summon any :time creatures drawn this way.
Time Animus
3 | 3
2 turns after you summon or generate Time Animus, draw up to 2 cards.  Summon any :time creatures drawn this way.
V3: 2|2 / 3|3, effect triggered 2 turns after summned, 2 cards drawn
V2: 2|2 / 3|3, effect triggered 1 turn after summoned, 3 cards drawn
V1: 3|3 / 4|4, effect triggered when summoned, 3 cards drawn

"summon" means play from hand, "generate" means to make it appear on your side of the field through any other way.
The effect is activated at the beginning of your turn after you draw your card.
If the creature has been removed, is frozen, or is delayed during the period of time when the effect would be activated, then the effect is negated.


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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 07:13:30 pm »
So that's a 4/4 for 5 which make you draw 3 cards and allow you to play all the time creature you drew.. for free ?
War Se7en

Offline PineappleTopic starter

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2011, 07:16:26 pm »
So that's a 4/4 for 5 which make you draw 3 cards and allow you to play all the time creature you drew.. for free ?
Yes. But note that you need pretty good luck to do scary stuff with it.

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2011, 07:23:02 pm »
for me this is helly helly OP !! just think a second using this in a SN bow deck.. turn one tower tower this draw 3 then tower then SN SN and mass creature then this again, which will certainly make you draw an other.. looks like 2/3 TTW are doable with that.

Just compare to SoSe.. it cost only 2 more quanta (which aren't a really issue in a rainbow deck) and give you a 4/4 + 3 cards which aren't random but only GOOD cards that you have in deck + a chance to play a creature (pharao, GotP, dragon) for free !!! this is sure fun but it's OP !! even drawing only one card with this ability looks VERY good
War Se7en

Offline PineappleTopic starter

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2011, 07:35:04 pm »
for me this is helly helly OP !! just think a second using this in a SN bow deck.. turn one tower tower this draw 3 then tower then SN SN and mass creature then this again, which will certainly make you draw an other.. looks like 2/3 TTW are doable with that.

Just compare to SoSe.. it cost only 2 more quanta (which aren't a really issue in a rainbow deck) and give you a 4/4 + 3 cards which aren't random but only GOOD cards that you have in deck + a chance to play a creature (pharao, GotP, dragon) for free !!! this is sure fun but it's OP !! even drawing only one card with this ability looks VERY good
Sigh...I don't really agree with you (especially since your first example didn't really work out w/o the double-tower starting hand, 2 entropy quanta from towers, two SNs,  time animi, and a stream of cheap creatures, a consistent draw of which would require much more than 30 cards) but I guess i'll change it a bit.

Offline ralouf

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2011, 07:36:37 pm »
That's just my idea but as a former MtG player and now a totally elements addict this seems way OP for me, still we should wait ET opinion maybe
War Se7en

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 07:40:06 pm »
V2 Marker

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 08:15:31 pm »
This seems more balanced. Seeing the awesome nerf you put here I guess you were quite okay with the OPness of the V1.

So this version looks very fun, both fun and very strong for me. I really wish we could have this card in the game.
War Se7en


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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 08:26:30 pm »
One thing, why isn't it a :time creature? It doesn't make sense as an other creature, it is obviously a :time creature

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 08:27:03 pm »
I voted Overpowered.  In an average monotime deck, you'd probably find one creature in three draws.  Even if you didn't find any creatures, you're still drawing three cards from your deck, and presumably those will still be useful, even if they are not time creatures.  This card is also colourless, so you can put it in any deck.  ANY deck.  I would put six of this in every deck I owned.  Firestall?  Add six, draw more stuff.  Poison dial?  Add six, draw more stuff.  Rainbow Control?  Add six, draw more stuff.  Monoaether?  Add six... you get the idea :)

Re: Ralouf: Imagine this card says Ancestral Recall: Draw 3 cards, then put all blue creatures into play :p

Anyway, for balance purposes, I think that if the card were placed into a specific element and gave you a one card draw with the same ability (either for time or maybe another element, if you changed the name) that it would be balanced.  For example, a life card that costs 5 :life and says draw one card and if it is a water creature, put it into play, would be reasonable.  (or whatever two elements suit your fancy; that's just an example)

Offline PineappleTopic starter

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2011, 08:32:22 pm »
One thing, why isn't it a :time creature? It doesn't make sense as an other creature, it is obviously a :time creature
1. Why are shards other?
2. Would be too OP with its current effect.

I voted Overpowered.  In an average monotime deck, you'd probably find one creature in three draws.  Even if you didn't find any creatures, you're still drawing three cards from your deck, and presumably those will still be useful, even if they are not time creatures.  This card is also colourless, so you can put it in any deck.  ANY deck.  I would put six of this in every deck I owned.  Firestall?  Add six, draw more stuff.  Poison dial?  Add six, draw more stuff.  Rainbow Control?  Add six, draw more stuff.  Monoaether?  Add six... you get the idea :)

Re: Ralouf: Imagine this card says Ancestral Recall: Draw 3 cards, then put all blue creatures into play :p

Anyway, for balance purposes, I think that if the card were placed into a specific element and gave you a one card draw with the same ability (either for time or maybe another element, if you changed the name) that it would be balanced.  For example, a life card that costs 5 :life and says draw one card and if it is a water creature, put it into play, would be reasonable.  (or whatever two elements suit your fancy; that's just an example)
Are 6 really necessary, considering how easily its effect requires the opponent to lack single-card CC, warden, squid, otyugh, and Eagle's Eye? is 5 quanta really that little to scoff at? And with Firestall and Monoaether, IDK about you, but my hand is usually filled with bolts/shields, so no drawing for me...

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Re: Time Animus | Time Animus (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2011, 08:36:20 pm »
Yeah that's why I said it's way OP ^^ ancestral recall was for me the MOST OP card in MtG (they even made it instant .. just lol). this looks like an ancestral recall in better :p

Maybe making it time and not other will help with the balance too
War Se7en

