Lovely card!
Having the PU'd copy given to a random player would be sufficient.
How does this affect AoEs that target like Firestorm?
Single Target cards
Maxwell's Demon, Chaos Seed, Chaos Power, Mutation, Fallen Elf, Antimatter, Butterfly Effect, Purple Nymph
Shard of Readiness, Holy Light, Guardian Angel, Blessing, Crusader, Steal, Drain Life, Liquid Shadow, Nightmare, Black Nymph, Shockwave, Owl's Eye, Plate Armor, Enchant Artifact, Earthquake, Basilisk Blood, Iridium Warden, Momentum, Otyugh, Gravity Pull, Catapult, Acceleration, Fire Bolt, Deflagration, Immolation, Rage Potion, Red Nymph, Freeze, Ice Bolt, Nymph's Tears, Arctic Squid, Nymph Queen, Adrenaline, Mitosis, Green Nymph, Virus, Alfatoxin, Gray Nymph, Lightning, Parallel Universe, Qunitessence, Fractal, Lobotomizer, Turquoise Nymph, Reverse Time, Eternity
Parasite, Pulverizer, Toadfish, Mind Flayer, Trident, Flesh Spider, Phase Spider, Anubis, Scarab