I suggested something like this after last War, and after discussing it with Napalm and others in chat, I thought I'd put it forward again:
I think we should separate vault size from the number of matches played.
Connecting the two causes a lot of problems, such as sweet spots, the fact that a good win percentage does not always translate into an equally good War performance, and the fact that later rounds are much more important than early ones. So what if we just have a set number of matches in a given round, and every team is required to play at least that many matches?
What if teams don't have the right vault size?
If a team doesn't have enough decks to meet the required number of matchups, Perhaps they would have to play more than one match with the same deck (more chances to lose that deck). Or they could just have to play as many decks as possible with their remaining vault. The simplest option of course would be to have any team whose vault is too small to field the minimum amount of decks be eliminated (just make sure starting vaults are large enough that teams don't get eliminated too quickly). If a team has more than enough decks left, they will have more options as to what to play, and be harder to predict.
How many matches would teams have to play in a given round?
The number of matches in a given round could be determined from the beginning (round X everyone has Y matches), or even better, determine the number of matches based on the average vault size in that round. For example you could take the average number of decks teams could field, subtract one, and require that many matches for each team. The result would be that an "average" team would be comfortably able to field the required number, an above average team would have earned a nice buffer, and a team that was more than one deck below average would be fighting for survival.
What do you think?
Since this would be a fairly large change to War, it would need community support. War is complicated, so I'd appreciate any feedback on how to best implement an idea like this without messing things up. When criticizing this idea, please keep in mind that the important concept is separating vault size and matches played, so that while your vault still acts like "hit points" and determines when you're team loses, the system doesn't diminish early success by requiring more matches (and more chances to lose) for higher vaults.