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4tc 4tc 4tc 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58u 58u 58v 58v 58v 595 595 595 595 595 596 596 5aa 778 778 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 77a 8pl
more to come...need pack of cigaretes to forget this...did not help much

We knew 3 decks from light..prefered to field this deck that was beating 2/3 consistently pvp/forward/reverse tested. Hoping for no RoHope and wishes realized.
GAME 1:decent draw with pulvy, just let the deck roll and had no trouble as expected. 1-0
GAME 2:Same as above, deck worked as it was supposed to work 2-0
GAME 3:no pulvy in first 20something cards, got dmg out but dims slowed me down. GG played the deck stalled and got stalled but eventually GG came on top 2-1
GAME 4:well cannot describe it really... bottom line got through 15 cards without any creatures, pulvies...finaly i get going, GG was prety slow too. At late game waiting for my doom fractal was pilling the dmg...every turn brought fractal closer and GG live smaller and smaller. Then miracle...made me happy for a second cause it burned something like 60 light Q GG had accumulated, needed 3-4 turns to go 100-0. Next turn fractal with 10ish light Q, every turn new archangel...2-2
GAME 5a: knew that bad luck could not go forever...was aware that she never got an early fractal...was it about time to get rushed? noooo. Prety standard draw for that deck and...I desync as it seems (never understood who desyncs to whom)
GAME 5b:Again decent draw with all needed stuf in hand and some quanta, enough to go for the win. BUT GG fractals early now it seems like turn 2...sure it was a bit later

played archangels each turn...2-3
Gratz for the win GG, you plated your end to perfection
Sorry team earth.. run out of nymphs to sacrifice