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6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 6u5 6u5 6uq 715 74f 74f 74f 77g 77g 7ae 7dm 7ds 7gm 7ju 7n3 7t9 7t9 80g 8pj
Hi i would like to share my deck. I think it's an excellent pick to farm, as there are more and more Dim shields and ghostmares in the metagame,
The basis is a tipical raimbow Discord Black hole rusher.
3 Discords 3 blackholes: To draw one almost every initial hand
The idea is simple.
1.- Pilar if any
2.- discard a card or pilar if lucky
3.- Novas and rush
Keep a black hole for last turn for EM
Steal and explode shields at mid-late game
No CC. You hit faster.
Missing card is a shard of serendipity.
As a grinder: Bronze i did 6 streaks before loosing
This deck + 5 Arena Chaos seed: 2 days nÂș1