
Offline KamietsuTopic starter

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Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg28660#msg28660
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:00:45 pm »
Time to vote for the top three ideas for the Design A Quest Competition!

Each person is allowed three votes! All voting options are in the same order as the detailed quests listed below. Read through the listed quests and vote for your top three favorite ideas!

Voting will run for one week!

Defeat a level 5 and earn 1,500 electrum.

Quest is entitled "Holy War".


1 Level 0 Opponent
1 Level 1 Opponent
1 Level 2 Opponent
1 Level 3 Opponent
1 T50 Opponent
1 Level 5 Half-Blood Opponent
1 Random PvP Opponent
1 PvP Duel Opponent
1 False God

Whatever opponents the player defeated beforehand carry on. For example: The player defeated levels 1, 2, 3, and Half-Blood before taking the quest. Now, the player only has to beat the PvP Random, duel, T50, and False God to win the quest.

Quest reward: 1 Shard of Gratitude (unupped), 1 Shard of Divinity (unupped), and 1 Miracle (unupped).


Beat 5 False Gods in a row without losing.


Your choice of a single rare card (unupgraded) which include: Arctic Squid, Miracle, Shard(blue), Shard(green), and the weapons.

Quest: Gather knowledge for the Oracle
Objective: Defeat a False God
Reward: 1 Scroll of Wisdom (trade in for 1 visit to the Oracle beyond the first for the day, or sell for 100 electrum)

(Appears as randomly repeatable quest -- 10% chance of appearing after winning a game against a False God)

Quest: "Master of Gods"

Defeat each of the gods at least once.

Reward: A random nymph

Tea is Good:
Quest #6
2 Parts
A. Earn 1500 coins
B. Upgrade a card

Reward: Win a Nymph (You choose in a screen similar to the Rare Weapon one)


Defeat all the false gods with a dual deck.

Get a list from where you can chose a false god, when you defeated the false god once you can't chose him/her again. The dual deck can be changed between fights.
Reward: Nymph card of your choice.

Gamble Against The False Gods

Unlocked after beating the 500 Score Quest (or, if added along with other suggestions, after a quest that requires you to beat a False God).

This repeatable quest would draw a random card from your current deck and display it to you. It would then take you straight into a battle against a random False God, with that card removed from your deck.

If you lose, you lose the card permanently. If you win, you get a duplicate of that card.

for every 500 points, you get a new rare weapon


Quest: Defeat a player with each mark/element in PvP play.

Reward: A random nymph.

Get 1500 score-
Reward: Choice of Nymph and 1500 electrum.

The Oracle:

The very first time you go to the Oracle, you will have 100% chance of winning a card, some electrum, a pet, and know your next False God.

If you defeat the next False God, the Oracle will let you choose one of the twelve Nymphs and keep her.

Quest: Defeat every AI.

This will take a lot longer than most quests, as there are 144 level 5 AI's.

Reward: Rare weapon of your choice, or 6000 electrum.

Quest 08: Strength of the Peasants

In the battle against the False Gods, most Elementals resort to improved spells and elite creatures. With a good strategy, however, it is possible to overcome them without any upgrade to the deck.

Objective: Defeat a False God using unupgraded cards only.

Reward: Choose one of the cards in the winning deck and have it upgraded.

The Challenge

Beat a halfblood without shields and healing.

You get 1000electrum and one of your cards is randomly upped.

Kael Hate:
Quest 08:

Have you proven your worth yet? Only the best Elementalists can claim to hold a deck of ultimate power. Proove you are with the best by beating a Demi-god, gaining a score of at least 1000 and having at least 5 upgraded cards. Then come back here for a reward showing you are are among the best.


Reach a score of a least 1000
Beat a Demi-God (AI5)
Own 5 upgraded cards

Reward 1500 coins.


Deafeat 5 AI3+'s or players in a row with full HP

1,5k Electrum

Quest: False God Arena

Description: Defeat a series of randomly selected false gods, using the same deck.

Reward: You get to choose an element, and spin for upgraded cards within that element, including pillars and rares (not sure about nymphs).  The number of spins you get is equal to the number of false gods you defeat.  1500 electrum bonus if you defeat all the false gods.

Quest: Elemental Lords challenge.

Description: Start with 200hp and see if you can defeat the 100hp elemental lords, taking on each element you stay at the same health once you have defeated one e.g you defeat the first Elemental lord with 163hp you go onto the next with that amount.
With each elemental lord having the powerfullest deck imaginable of that element will you survive?

Reward: Upgraded mark to 3x or have 3different marks of your choice and Special elemental dragon according to your mark.

Quest "10": Oracular Visions

Quests from this point on are given randomly by the Oracle.  Each quest is assigned to a particular type of card won, and only has a 10% chance of being offered.  Each quest MUST be completed before your next visit to the Oracle, or the reward is not given.

If you win a Weapon:  Master of Attack.

Objective: Defeat a False God in 12 turns or less.

Reward: Win an upgraded Weapon related to the Mark of the False God you played.


If you win a Shield: Master of Defense

Objective: Defeat a False God with more than 150 HP remaining.

Reward: An upgraded Shard of Divinity or Gratitude (random).


If you win a Dragon: Master of Beasts

Objective: Defeat a False God with all 23 creature slots full and at least 5 different types of creature in play.

Reward: Your Pets are always the Dragons relevant to your Mark in PVP matches versus other players that have completed Quest 09.

If you win a Nymph: Master of Purity

Objective: Defeat a False God such that it has no creatures or permanents in play at the end of the game.

Reward: An upgraded Nymph of your choice.

If you win an Alchemy card: Master of Change

Objective: Defeat a False God with no creatures or permanents that match your mark in play.

Reward: Your Metamorphosis cost is reduced to 10 ep.

If you win a Pillar: Master of Foundations

Objective: Defeat a False God with no pillars in play at the end of the game.

Reward: The Mark that you won the game with is permanently improved by one step (to a x2 Mark, then a x3 Mark if the quest is completed a second time.  x3 is the max for any given Mark.)  This applies only to PVP matches verus players that have completed Quest 09.

If you win a Shard: Master of Divinity

Objective: Defeat a False God with exactly 1 HP and 0 cards remaining.

Reward: Your base HP goes up by 10.  This number can never exceed 200, and this change only applies in PVP matches versus players that have completed Quest 09.

If you win any other type of card: Master of Sigils

Objective: Defeat a False God with no creatures or permanents in play that do not match your Mark.  Your Mark must match the element of the card won from the Oracle.

Reward: a Mark card (random).

Quest 8:

Buy all not-rare-cards.

Reward:A shard


Log in to the game on 30 different days

Reward: upgraded nymph of your choice

Quest: Defeat levels 3 and 4 AI, and reach a score of 2000 points.

Reward: You can choose a Nymph.

"Noob No More"
score 1000

reward upgrade a card of your choice.

Beat the users with the starting letter from A to Z in pvp
You will be rewarded one weapon in each element.

The Rest of the Gang.

Defeat a T50, a Demigod, a False God, and a PVP.
Reward:1.5k Electum, and an upgraded rare card.

Quest 08: Elemental Mastery

Beating an opponent with all of your health your HP results in an elemental mastery where the  Electrum you receive is doubled.
Beat a False God and get an elemental mastery.

Reward: Choice of Miracle, Artic Squid or a Shard. (Possibly including the weapons would be better since there aren't very many non-weapon and non-nymph rares but the idea is to give a player a glimpse of the non-nymph, non-weapon rares)
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.


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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg28883#msg28883
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 02:07:53 am »
God job setting this up kami....VOTE FOR ME!!!!...yeah...and gl too the the other guys....  :))


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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg28884#msg28884
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 02:14:19 am »
Lol, I have 5, I'm in the lead! :P

Vote for Icybraker's, people. It's fun, has a large sample size, works towards a goal, is not too easy, and has a prize that makes sense and is beneficial :)

Offline Essence

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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg28889#msg28889
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2010, 02:40:42 am »
Wow...3-way tie for 1st in the early stretches of the voting, with me, Icybreaker, and Pikachufan tied at 5 each.

Nice. :)
If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.

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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg28895#msg28895
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2010, 03:00:28 am »
Not if Essence and I can help it, Icy! ;)

unit, silkenfist, CB, and assassim are catching up too!

Come on folks, you know you want more of the Oracle! With more False Gods being rolled out, and the AI improvements, us players need something to tip the scales a tiny bit more in our favour -- vote Pikachu, and we might actually know which False God we're going to fight next more often! :)

(Edit: Wow, I overused the exclamation mark there! XD )

On hindsight, we should have done a round of preliminaries beforehand. Picking 3 out of 27 is a difficult choice. Maybe having 3 randomly selected divisions of 9 ideas, and then picking 3 from each division -- with the top 2 from each division and top 2 that were not picked yet (wildcards, essentially) advancing to a "pick top 3 from 8" finals would have been better?
I'm doing science, and I'm still alive.

Level 2 Magic Judge.

Offline KamietsuTopic starter

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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg28921#msg28921
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2010, 04:45:58 am »
Maybe something like that in the future, But this is still the quickest and simplest way to do it, in my opinion.
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.


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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg29116#msg29116
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2010, 10:41:28 pm »
Yep, true that. More tedious for the voter but faster overall. Maybe we should try the system and compare :P

Yay, still holding a close lead with 8 votes. HOLY WAR, guys. Defeat EVERYONE and win yourself 3 rares - it's tough but gives much-wanted rares into the hands of beginners.

Offline Glitch

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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg29117#msg29117
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2010, 10:45:15 pm »
Holy crap!  People voted for me?  This is new....

I know my quest seems bland, but it serves as an intro to upgraded cards.  You'll see them for the first time against level 5s, and then one of your own.

Kael Hate

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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg29219#msg29219
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2010, 03:00:38 am »
This is a very messy competition.
Because the criteria wasn't constrained we have entries of various types including new ways to quest and new mechanics even. To win here won't mean much unless Zanz also agrees the content is appropriate. (Just Personal Opinion)

Offline KamietsuTopic starter

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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg29223#msg29223
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2010, 03:07:17 am »
This is a very messy competition.
Because the criteria wasn't constrained we have entries of various types including new ways to quest and new mechanics even. To win here won't mean much unless Zanz also agrees the content is appropriate. (Just Personal Opinion)
To win any competition doesn't mean your card or quest or suggestion automatically gets introduced into the game. And also, Zanz has to approve of any content he puts in the game. And maybe I like my competitions a little messy, maybe it makes them a little more interesting.

It was the first design a quest competition, so I kept it very generic. Future competitions are already being planned in my head with more strict and specific rules.
╔╦╦═╦══╦╗  ( ̄ー ̄) --Snorlax says:
║═╣╬║║║║║    Eat your shower, brush your toothpaste, take your teeth.


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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg29232#msg29232
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2010, 03:58:05 am »
<rant> I dislike daxx's idea of having a card randomly taken out of your deck and having to play without it. If you lose the battle, you lose the card, according to his quest. What if you have sold all cards that arent in your deck, have a 30-card deck, and no money? You cannot buy cards. You cannot edit your deck. You cannot play any matches. Actually, you cannot do the quest because it will have removed a card from your deck making it 29 cards! You cannot do anything. I also dislike the "defeat a god with no upgraded cards" one. Would that mean I would have to take out some upgraded cards of mine and replace them with their unupgraded counterparts to complete the quest? </rant>

Event Organizer EDIT: [Please do NOT post the results as such. It brings in a Bias. The votes are meant to be hidden until a person votes.]

I am sorry about posting the results. I had not thought about how it would affect users' votes. Thank you for removing the image.



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Re: Voting: Design A Quest https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3314.msg29241#msg29241
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2010, 04:35:03 am »
ohh, looks like im in 1st  :o, my marketing in chat payed off! :P thanks fans   ^-^ i owe you one  ;D

