team gravity, speach(Disclaimer: Prior viewing of the Honey Badger video (
) is recommended for proper context.)
This is the Honey Charger.

Watch it run in slow motion.
The Honey Charger is pretty badass. It runs all over the place. Oh look, it runs backwards?

Now watch this, look, there’s a Diss Shield. Honey Charger don’t care. Honey Charger don’t give a shit. It just takes what it wants.
The Honey Charger is really badass. It has no regard for any shield whatsoever. Ew what’s that? It’s a Fire Shield? Oh that’s nasty.
Now look, there’s a Duck Shield. You think the Honey Badger cares? It doesn’t give a shit. It just goes straight for the enemy’s HP.
But look! There’s a Permafrost Shield. But it doesn’t care about the shield. Nothing can stop the Honey Charger.
The Honey Charger.

Like the Honey Badger is the fiercest of all the animal kingdom, so is the Honey Charger. It embodies the stubborn indifference of the element of Gravity. Other elements are ephemeral. With the passage of Time, they all eventually fall to Death. Fire burns out, Water evaporates, Earth crumbles, Life, well, dies…not Gravity. Gravity doesn’t care how long our universe has existed. It’s always been here and it always will. That 9.8 m/s^2 that you use in your physics equations? That’s gravity, people. It’s always constant and it’s always present.
That’s the attitude Gravity has in Elements. You got shields? No problem, we’ll bring Chargers. You got creatures? No problem, we’ll bring Otyughs. You got CC? No problem, we’ll bring Armagios and Dragons. You got annoying Rainbow rushes? No problem, sir! We’ll bring Black Holes. You got Reverse Times? Well…shit.
But uh, other than that, Gravity doesn’t give a shit. So you say we placed last in War #3? So you say we’re the weakest element? (Say it with me) Honey Charger don’t care. Honey Charger don’t give a shit. We’ll charge you, we’ll eat you, we’ll throw giant projectiles at you, and who knows, maybe we’ll even fart in your general direction (
But whatever you try against us, we won’t care. We’ll go in and we’ll win this thing. Other elements die out. Not us. We just take what we want, and what we want is victory in War #4.
Om nom nom.