As the warriors exit the forest, they notice the path forks in two directions. To the west the path leads to what appears to be a Spire. The path to the east seems to head along the lake. Not sure in which direction Hyroen went, they decide to head to the Spire, to see if anything there could help them on their quest... they approach the Spire, they notice someone standing near it. Based on his attire, they assume he's a traveler from a far away land, since they've never seen someone dressed as he is.
The unknown warrior notices them as they draw near. They exchange greetings and introductions. He states his name is UTAlan. Then goes on to explain that the journey to the top of the Spire is a perilous one, and that it can't be done alone.
The warriors decide to accompany UTAlan up the Spire, since he seemed to have knowledge of it....

- UTAlan

- YoungSot

- Terroking

- Jocko

- Onizuka

- Hyroen - missing

- gavsword - dead

- Spiraler - dead

- The Mormegil - dead
Decks usually start mono
HP - cards you have (max HP is 60)
STR - your STR - enemy's DEF = # of upped cards you can use
DEF - enemy's STR - your DEF = # of upped cards you opponent can use
AGI - for every 3 AGI more than enemy, there is a chance of going first
LCK - secrets....
EXP needed - how much you need to level
Each level gains you 3 points (1 point = 3 HP .. and .. 3 HP = 3 cards) [when you get to 60 HP, exchanges will be possible.. or something else X) ]
HP can only be of your element for the time being (and only of cards you already have in you RotE deck)... later you can learn other elements.
*New Rule - You may only use one of your points for HP and you may only get 1 of each card per level (so you can't get 3 Phoenix)