Please provide a link to where you found the art. Make sure to have the authorisation to use it. If it is not a royalty free art indicate that the author gave you the right to use said art for this purpose (if it's the case).
Welcome to the CIA, boy.
The other submission is royalty-free, but I am not sure about this one...
I might have to find a new image.
EDIT: I am currently looking for an image. I will spend the rest of my life ensuring that dragon's blood trees and Blood Mountain hiking pictures will all burn in hell forever.
EDIT: I am now looking for abstract images instead. If they don't have to find a picture representing momentum and adrenaline, then why should I have to represent hatred?
EDIT: Finally found an abstract red thing that could be seen as angry, if you have a really good imagination and/or schizophrenia. Yay, image will be posted shortly.
EDIT: I realized, to my dismay, that I am not looking for an abstract red thing, but an abstract black thing. Great.
EDIT: Reread the legal stuff on the website, and I can do anything that I want to the red picture. I kept the picture and just put it into grayscale (Powerpoint actually being more efficient than the average photo editing software), made it darker, and increased the contrast. It totally looks like hatred now.