Deck submission for the Time Trials (against Arena opponents) and potentially as a regular PvP deck that I might use.

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6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rs 6rs 74a 74a 74a 74f 74f 74i 74i 74i 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q4 7q4 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pl
The major goal of the deck is to bust out a Pharaoh as quickly as possible to pump out Scarabs. Despite the fact that Dune Scorpion and GoTP are useful in their own rights, I personally think that there needs to be an attribution to some of the less favored creatures in Time (Anubis is a hit in IGT, leaving the Dragon (inefficient), Fate Egg (too random), Deja Vu (already tested in various formats), and the Scarabs/Pharaoh).
I have to say that I've lost on the third 'ring' of the Platinum League several times before I managed to get them all filled, but with that said, I've gotten some impressive hands against some tough decks; the reason why there's so many Time Towers in comparison to Time Pendulums is the simple fact that Pharaohs are indeed expensive, and there's a high chance that when you have one in your hand, you're not going to be able to play it until 2-3 turns later.

quanta is less important, as being able to pump out Scarabs ASAP against any deck with decent CC is vital.
Rewind is there in case you happen to find yourself against a nasty immolation-rush deck (rewinding a Lava Golem or Phoenix (or a minor phoenix even)) can considerably slow down their deck. Black Hole is nifty against the various Rainbows that are spammed within all leagues, and can help serve as a EM-maker when the SoGs can't quite do the trick. Eternity and Hourglass can be useful for draw control, but I realized that with all the PC in most people's decks, the eternity and hourglass serve a better function as
decoys to protect your shards and the Tower Shield.
...and this is where some people might go, "...what?".
Tower Shield: I chose this over Turtle Shield for two reasons - one, in the rare scenario that I don't draw that many Time Towers in my starting hand, Tower Shield can potentially come out faster than the 4

costing Turtle Shield. Secondly, Turtle Shield can become a major burden if stolen (note that Pharaohs shouldn't be the target of Momentum unless absolutely necessary). Scarabs can eat each other (or be affected by the key card here) to gain ATK, but Turtle Shield ruins the flow of the Scarabs if they're stunned even for one turn. Even though they may stop 50% of all damage theoretically, I've come to the conclusion that

rushes w/Adrenaline, annoying weapons (from Trident to Discord), and any deck that happens to have a variety of low-cost semi-low attack creatures won't really give a damn about Turtle vs. Tower Shield.
Overdrive: If Scarabs were bread, this would be the peanut butter (Unstoppable would be the 'Jelly'). From Diamond Shield to Hope, Overdrive can be deadlier on a Scarab than most would think. The AI priority is also completely screwy at times; I've noticed that if they've stolen an Eternity or have other forms of CC, they'll usually target the Pharaohs or earlier Scarabs (slightly higher ATK Scarabs w/Devour) that have been played before Momentumed & Overdriven Scarabs. As long as you produce a new Scarab each turn, the HP 'loss' from Overdrive is completely negated - this again is why I feel that Scarabs + Overdrive has been overlooked, and why I decided to build a deck around this.
...and yes, the title is corny, but sue me.