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Pikachu used Surf!
It's super-effective!Those games were tough, especially the second game. I was all jittery from the adrenaline rush, so I'm glad I didn't misplay x)
Game 1: I see a Water mark, and I immediately start chanting "no Purify, no Purify, no Purify." I suspected Steambirds, and I was right. 2 quanta source start vs. majo's 4 sources, but I could manage that. I play an Arsenic, and it gets blown up immediately after. I had a second Arsenic in hand, so I played it the next turn, and it stuck for the rest of the game. I set up defences with Bone Wall while majo built up a line of Crawlers, Phoenixes, and Steamies -- all of which were rather impervious to Lightnings. I waited for an opportunity to start Fractalling Bone Dragons (so that I could have a stockpile in hand in case of CC), then I turned some Phoenixes to Ash in order to charge up my Bone Wall. Once I had the quanta to start dropping Dragons and keep Bone Walls up, it was a clear victory from there.
Game 2: Pretty much the same opening as the first game. Majo gets off to a good start with 4 quanta sources, while I have 4 of my own. I had 2 Arsenics early; first one gets Deflagged, as usual, while the second one stuck around for a bit longer before it also exploded. The line of Crawlers, Phoenixes, and Steamies grew and grew as they pummelled my HP away. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to draw any Bone Walls to hold off majo's creature army until I went down to 5 HP (in the meantime, I used some Lightnings on his Phoenixes without a Bone Wall up in a desperation move to stall). I go through the same motions of transforming Phoenixes to Ash for the good of my Bone Wall, and when I got a Bone Dragon in play with Fractalled extras in hand, majo helped feed my Bone Wall by sending a Rage Pot to my Dragon.

Now here's the tricky bit -- majofa has an empty hand, 4 creatures out, 35 HP, and 5 poison on him. I have lots of Dragons and a Bone Wall in hand, a 4-charge Bone Wall in play, and 8

quanta (plus an additional 9

after I ended my turn). I didn't want this to come down to the RNG deciding my fate (i.e. whether or not majo could draw a non-Steamie creature next turn), so I had to take matters into my own hands. I played the Bone Wall to stave off the next turn's attacks, then ended my turn with exactly 10

quanta for another Dragon next turn and put majofa at 20 HP (+5 poison). If he didn't draw CC next turn, I would win. If he did, then I still bought another turn's worth of time instead. If he drew a non-Steamie creature, then I would have prevented a loss.
Lo and behold, majo drew a Steam Machine the next turn, so I played my Dragon and took the win.
GG, majofa and Team Fire. That was a REALLY close game, and majofa is a truly skilled opponent, much like the players I had the opportunity to duel this entire War