Upgrade somes key cards would improve it alot. Just kidding! Of course you need to do that. XD
Some general points:
-You lack defence. Yes, Wings would help, but it is very selective in which creatures it can protect you from. Many strong creatures in the game is Airborne. Therefore, I would suggest 3 Fog Shields instead. Why 3 you ask? 3/30 is 10% chance of drawing one, each draw increasing your chances of drawing one.
-Your deck is a rush. Healing is not needed. Besides, what are the chances you'll draw your SoG if you only put on of them in? Do take it out because imo that's unnecessary.
-The offence looks good, although i wouldn't include a Sky Bliz because it will consume all your Air quanta and slow your summoning of creatures after using it. I would replace that with another Owls/Eagle's Eye if you have another. Again, the magic number is 3. 3 of a card in a 30 card deck ensures that you will draw one of it in your initial draw or soon if not.
Nice looking and rushy Air deck! Hope the above comments help.