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Third time's the charm, n'est pas?
Game 1: I saw the Darkness mark and knew that I was going to be facing GotP/Nightmare. Good starts for both players. I got in an early Bone Wall and Arsenic. Sno threw out a GotP and Stole a Bone Wall charge at the same time -- a gambit. I took the bait and proceeded to give him three turns of protection from Arsenic. Shortly after, Sno stole my Arsenic. I got my Dragon out, and then put down some more Bone Walls as they proceeded to run out, making sure to Lightning some GotP in the process. The combination of Dragon and Poison damage built up faster than his GotPs and stolen Arsenic could tear down my Bone Walls, so I won.
Game 2: Sad and terrible hands for both of us. I got an early Bone Wall and Arsenic going, and as usual, Sno stole the Arsenic. Curiously, Sno decided to play Whack-a-Mole with his GotPs by playing them, Nightmaring, and then Rewinding them into his hand so that I couldn't Lightning them. Smart move. When my hand was saturated with GotP, he played them without Rewinding back, and tried to tear down my Bone Walls. I refilled my Bone Walls as needed, and the poison damage (from the spells) stacked up until I finished him off with Lightnings on his HP.
Sno, you are a truly skilled player, and I'm happy to have played a match with such a talented opponent. GG