I have been summoned.
Initial reaction: Johannhowitzer once again you prove that you deserve to be in the Idea Factory.
Currently Activation Costs for Activated skills are balanced against their effects or cost 1 quanta less with a higher activation cost. Notable Exception: Nymphs which have an activation cost that fluctuates relative to the skill value but typically is as high as Activation Cost +3 = Skill Value.
From this an Activation cost of


would seem fitting to account for the faster return on investment that is caused by Recharge. [Note: This is a factor isolated from the actual balance of the card. It therefore has priority over the other variables of the card like attack and casting cost]


activation cost will be assumed from now on.
Dive (obviously)
Steam (+1 attack)
Infection (+1 damage)
Pulverizer + Reprisal vs Pulverizer (bypass summoning sickness)
Otyugh (Catch up to Growth)
Creature Generation particularly Scarabs
Anubis or Aether NymphOf all these Dive seems the most dangerous and thus will be the focus.
Dive used multiple times currently stacks by multiplying. Hence each dive is worth twice as much as the last. However multiple dives would probably be either eclipse the damage of Reprisal or would be used with only 2 dives per turn. This means that a mid-high attack (like 5) and the cost to go with it will balance the flying reprisal wyrm situation by making it too expensive compared to the 2 dive version.
Reprisal with an Attack of 5|6 and Skill Value [K] will have a casting cost [C] equal to 5-3+[K]|6-3+[K]+1(activation cost of 1)-2 thus ([C]=2+
So 2 dives per turn (using Wyrm in a

Attack: 12+5|20+6 = 17|26
Casting Cost: 4


+2 cards
Converted Casting Cost (including draw cost=1) = 9+[K]
Activation Cost: 2



Converted Activation Cost: 5|4
From this extreme case I would estimate that [K] is 3.
Activation Cost:


Attack: 5|6
Casting Cost: 5
