Some things:
1) The color problem. The initial image was white-y and I was aware that color tones are important. However, I'm living on a Live Boot since my hard disk collopsed on me, so GIMP is out of the equation, as is saving images in a permanent way. Basically, I'm doing what I can here. Also, the snake doesn't really fit, but oh well. Its true art is copyrighted.
2) The theme. The basic idea started as the mechanic, and I searched for something to be thematically appropriate to the idea. Hence, the Ravid. It is, as some of you might know, a creature that inhabits the Elemental Plane of Positive Energy in D&D cosmology. That's a place so full of life energy that normal beings
explode upon entering it, unless they severly harm themselves to focus the energies of the plane on healing their injuries. The concept was indeed similar to what OldTrees suggested, but I figured the Ravid as a pretty harmless creature that planeshifts on its native homeland (hence the aether cost), charges with the energy of the plane and comes back seeking a way to unleash said energy. To me, it's pretty thematic, but I will accept suggestions.

I know, I should have probably said this in the OP, and I'm going to copy-paste it there anyway, but I was in a hurry to get the ideas out yesterday before going to bed, so that I might have a round of criticism to read today.