
Offline GyrodiotTopic starter

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From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg321480#msg321480
« on: April 27, 2011, 10:29:30 pm »
Some time before the great clean-up of the Elements Wiki, there were bad decks. Also, there was... this.

The title was "the weapons and shields". This shouldn't be posted again. Ever.

The grammar and spelling have been kept as in the original version, except in the section titles. I'd like to point out that the author has been told (back then) that there were some improvements to make.

Another article (same author) is available a few posts below. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,25206.msg361153#msg361153)

as i promiced before..... i think.... here it is my opinion of the weapons and shields of each mark!!! the layout is i will discribe the weapons and ability attack and its flying weapon stats then if i reccomend it as a good weapon. then i will talk about the shields and how they help.

 :light Light

the weapon: morning star is a GOOD card. it has a high attack (7) and realy annoys people. 7/7 stats if flying and cannot be targeted. and if you have a lot of these weapons i suggest to make a deck used to fly the weapon. now the shields, (why is there 3 for this mark!?!?!?) the solar shield deletes 1 attack point from the enemys monsters.... yea thats not really going to help in a good deck. the mirror shield negates (stops) any damage from spells against you and sends them back... before it used to negate any spells even healing which gave an advantage if your apponent was an idiot... anyway the sheild is good if your enemy is an idiot (of course) but i like the upped version which also deletes 1 attack point. finaly hope. this is not reccomended unless if you have alot of ray of lights on the field (which die from rain of fire -_-') theres a certaint upped deck that usses hope and rays but i rather let you look it up.

 :darkness Darkness

the vampire stilleto is kind of wierd (a stilleto... thats a vampire) but its a good weapon. it does 4 damage and heals you by the dammage. when its flying its stats are 4/4 and fun to bless and annoy the apponent. if you want to get mastery put this in your deck it gives you a chance.the only shield (yay i get a break) is the dusk shield. its REALY annoying if your apponent doesnt have a steal it give the enemy a 50% of his monsters to miss you.

 :life Life

the weapon is the drudic staff which damages by 2 and heals by 5. 2/7 if flying and i dont suggest it if if not upped because the vampire stilleto will do better damage at the cost of 1 less health gained but if you up it it wont be much use against upped vampire stilleto. the thorn carapace is annoying to enemys that have good attack but low health monsters. it has  a 75% chance of posioning which is usful. the emerald shield is better than the mirror shield even if its unuped!!! it deletes 1 attack point and reflects any spell damage that targeted you. that will be usful.

 :death Death

the weapon is the arsenic ( which is the assassins poison in real life) does 2 damage and posions by 1 (which is wierd because water mark usauly is the posion deck.) its flying stats are 2/7 which makes it pretty hard to to kill. its usful if you have a posion deck. the shield: skull shield isnt really annoying (and i like annoying apponents) because it only deletes 1 attack point. its most likely used only because it uses only 2 death qaunta. the bone shield is the 2nd BEST shield because it stops the monster from attacking AND you get 2 more bones (shield points) if you kill a monster. thus, the shield can annoy an apponent BAD if the apponent has a lot of dragons!!!!

 :air Air

the weapon: owls eye is a good card. it does 5 damage and can shoot arrows: hurts a monster by 3. flying ones have 5/7 which makes it hard to kill. if you can get more than 3 you can put this card in a lvl 3 farmer. the shield: fog shield has 30% chance of making a monster die which is NOTHING compared to dusk shield BUT its easy to play. its not suggested to have in a deck. the next and last shield is wings which is a cool card. it negates damage from any non airborne monster for 5 round which is uniche for a lvl 4 farmer.

 :earth Earth

this marks weapon is pulverizer and i think its the 2nd BEST WEAPON!! it lets you destroy any permanent even towers/pillars and weapons AND shields!!! its suggested to target weapons/shields first then towers/pillars then permanents. it does 5 damage and 5/12 if flying. the only shield is the diamond shield which negates 2 attack points. its usfull if the apponet has weak monsters but not good enough.

 :water Water

trident is the weapon of this mark and i say its the is very VERY close to being the 3rd best weapon but not enough. it can destroy 3 pillars/towers which is REALY usful for stall decks. when flying its 4/9 which makes it hard to kill. the only water shield is the ice shield. not a good shield but.... IF ITS UPPGRADED ITS THE BEST SHIELD!!! it negates 1 attack point and may freeze the attacker (if upped it negates by 2 and rumor has it that it increases the chance of freezing.)

 :fire Fire

the weapon is farenhiet and its a good weapon... i guess. it deals 4 + x which is how much qaunta you have for fire divided by 5. if its fling its x/5 its realy hard to divide and i cant put a table/graph of it... sorry. the fire shield which damages the attacking monster by 1. EXTREMELY annoying shield that is also hatted.

 :gravity Gravity

the weapon is titain its like the better verson of flying morning stars. it deals 7 damage and ignores shields when its flying it is 7/50 which makes it IMPOSIBLE to kill. the only shield is the gravity shield which negates the attack of any monster with over 5 health which is.... annoying. i say its the 3rd best

 :entropy Entropy

the weapon is discord which is THE BEST WEAPON EVER!!! when it attacks it moves the qaunta around to different elements. flying: 4/3 which shows never fly it.its GREAT against mono decks and can defeat any mono decks. the dissipation shield isnt really that good. it reduces damage by 3 for the cost of 1 entropy qaunta. good for stalling

 :time Time

the weapon is enternity and it is realy famous because of its ability. its damage is 4 and it can reverse of time any monster (send back to owners hand) its mainly used to help not deck out. flying is 4/8. the shield is procrastination which delays the attacking monster  by one turn which is still annoying.

 :aether Aether

the weapon is lobomizer which does 5 damage and can make a targeted monster "forget" its power. its flying stats is 5/4 which makes it easy to kill. the dimensional shield is 3rd best. it can stop the enemy from attacking for 3 turns. not that good if the enemy has steal


there are 4 other weapons all exept 2 have no powers. 1. dagger: does 2 damage and flying is 2/1. 2. shortsword: does 3 damage and is 3/1 flying stats. 3. hammer: 3 +1 if mark is earth/gravity flying: 3/4. 4.short bow: 3 +1 if mark is air flying: 3/3. no shields.

Thats all hope it helped.
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg321481#msg321481
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 10:31:55 pm »
Thanks for cleaning the wiki Gyro. As amusing as this crap is, we could do with alot less of it in there.

Seems you've found the right home for it though :D

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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg321504#msg321504
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 11:04:04 pm »
As I said in chat:

This article contains gratuitous amounts of derpiculous fail. I highly recommend that you avoid exposure for risk of a shattered sanity.
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg321513#msg321513
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2011, 11:19:04 pm »
gratuitous amounts of derpiculous fail.
That there is the best quote I've heard all day, seconded by 'There's mashed potato on my shoe.'

But seriously, a game is only as respected as its wiki. Applause for the cleaning, Gyrodiot!
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg321691#msg321691
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 04:05:31 am »

I will personally cut someone if they did that type of... 'research' on a featured card article; hopefully the same person who wrote what you quoted Gyro will learn from their mistakes and either a) learn HOW to write before posting something on the wiki or b) don't bother posting, unless it's just a comment below an article. While it is a somewhat amusing read, I think this is the main reason why the old wiki has gotten more views than our current one because of all these crazy and immature editors who think that they can write their own opinion and make it sound elite, when in reality its-

...gratuitous amounts of derpiculous fail.
Major love to you Gyro. :) Thank you for all your continued hard work since girlsgeneration has left, and I hope that we can continually improve the wiki until it totally back-hands our old one in comparison.  ;D

Offline GyrodiotTopic starter

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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg337502#msg337502
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 04:38:02 pm »
So... browsing the Articles, I found out there was another post by the same author. The title is "Review over the elements". Original grammar and spelling. Wrote for 1.25 version.

This is not going to be a deck, it's my words on how the elements work in the game. First I will say 3 things that the element does to help you, themselves, and deck type (stall/rush/mutation/whatever). Then, I will show what it does as in what's its main purpose. Finally, I will talk about the best and worst card in my words.

:light Light

Element Light wants to stay alive with defence and attack. It wants you to stay alive with full health but is not guaranteed to do that. It's most likely to be used in stalls because of Hope and Luciferin.
The best card I think is Miracle because it saves you from death and can be used on yourself with a Holy Light and that can give you mastery. As for the worst card I say either Photon or Solar Shield (both not upgraded) the Photon is only used if you like to spam and really no use if you want to.

:darkness Darkness

Element Darkness is mostly on taking away stuff from the enemy so that he/she can't put another of the stolen item. This element is attacking the opponent and also tring to heal you. It's used in many life draining decks.
The best card is either the Devourer or Dusk Mantle because the Devourer can make it harder for the enemy to get quanta  and the Dusk Mantle makes it almost impossible to be hit. The worst card is Nightmare because the enemy needs a realy bad card. Example : you have 6 Boneyards and the enemy puts down a Spark with Plate Armor on it. You can use Nightmare so he will put down all the Sparks which will give you 6 Skeletons for each Spark played and died.

:life Life

This element works by wanting many creatures alive. Creatures work on defence and attack. This element wants you to stay alive. It's used in many rush deck making it really fast thanks to Adrenaline.
The best card is either Adrenaline or Empathic Bond. With Adrenaline the creature can get more damage depending on its size/power. Empathic Bond can be used to gain life for the amount of creatures that you have so if you have 6 creatures and 6 Empathic Bonds you gain 36 health each round. The worst is the Rustler becuase if its targeted it will most likely die from any attack so a Chaos Seed will have a sure shot.

:death Death

Element Death works on killing creatures for power. The creatures are mostly attack and have low defence. It's mostly suggested for defence decks because it will kill many creatures with it.
The best card i say is Boneyard and even better the Graveyard because they generate free Skeletons to be used as pawns which are free to your will. The worst card is the Mummy because its a big difference in the element since it is needed to summon a Pharaoh which is in a WAY different element deck.

:air Air

This element mostly wants to be airborne and diving. Its creatures have great defence to stay alive. This deck will be best as a stall deck thanks to the great defence and card Wings.
The best card is Wings becuase the only thing that can go through it is flying creatures like Dragons making it almost impossible to be hurt.
The worst card is the Dragonfly because it can't do that much damage and can be used more like a bad  shield.

:earth Earth

This element mostly wants to be immortal but also want to be able to add more status to the creatures. The creature have a lot of defence and is 2nd to the best element with defensive creatures ! The only thing that helps you stay alive is Stone Skin. It is mostly used in rush decks.
The best card Basilisk Blood, Shrieker, or Diamond Shield. The Basilisk Blood can be used to have your creatures last longer but at a cost of 6 turns without the creature, the Shrieker can be burrowed to stay longer and if not burrowed it has more damage than the Dragon, and the Diamond Shield can keep you alive MUCH longer.

:water Water

Element Water works with poison to damage the enemy forever until the enemy dies or uses Purify. The creatures work on defence. The only spell that helps you is Purify which bearly heals you at all but Flooding will give you quanta. It is used in poison speed decks.
The best card is either Permafrost Shield or Steam Machine. The Permafrost Shield is like a Titanium Shield that can freeze the enemy, and the Steam Machine can survive a long time and gains attack for 2 Fire quanta so it's better then Lava Destroyers and Fire Spirits. The worst card ever is the Artic Squid. You may think this is impossible for it to be true but it is. The Artic Squid needs 3 quanta to freeze when you can just use the spell for just 1 quanta !!!! So if you're struggling to keep freezing the enemy's creatures you're just wasting quanta.

:fire Fire

This is an element with the best attack. All creatures are attack FREAKS !! There is no card that can heal you but you can get quanta with Immolation. It's used mostly in rush decks.
The best card is the Rain of Fire because if you have 1 Graveyard and use Aflatoxin on the enemy's creature and it sucessfully works you can wait till the field is full of Malignant Cells and use the Rain of Fire to fill your field of Skeletons pawns. The worst is the Fire Spirit because any spell (except Thunderstorm) can kill it on one shot.

:gravity Gravity

This is an element with the best defence. All the creatures have more defence than attack making Maxwell's Demons do nothing. The Black Hole can do some major disadvantage for the enemy and heals you. Used in stall decks.

The best card is the Otyugh it can devour any creature and gains power for it. With Plate Armor its unstoppable. The worst card is the Elite Armagio. If you get a Massive Dragon with Gravity Pull it will do the same power as the Elite Armagio but the Massive Dragon will do much more damage.

:entropy Entropy

This deck has to do with mutation which is a really fun to do over and over and (you get the point). All creatures mostly work on keeping an equal health and attack. Antimatter makes an (enemy) creature heal you and the Nova can give you a good amount of quanta. Used in mutation decks.
The best card is the Fallen Druid. It is the whole point of the element. The worst card is really hard to choose... but I say the Dissipation Field. It is the same thing as the unupgraded type if it makes the quanta cost, cost anything instead of 3 entropy it would be a really good card.

:time Time

This was a hard element to find its point in the game but I'm guessing that it's to not be touched and not let creatures hit it. All creatures mostly are random when it comes to attack/defence. And the only helpful to yourself is the Electrum Hourglass because it gives another card. Its used in stall decks.
Best card is the Pharaoh because it spams Scarabs. The worst card is the Precognition. It shows the cards of the enemy 1 time and not for a long time till you get another and it needs less quanta to play.

:aether Aether

This deck works on being immortal. Most of the creatures want to be immortal. Nothing helps you gain health. This deck is great for stalls.
The best card is Fractal because you can use it on any creature to get over than 6 copies of the card (not to keep). The worst card is the Spark. It has the worst damage and health even though it's free to play. It's only for doing some damage but it would do better if upgraded.
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg337505#msg337505
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2011, 04:39:42 pm »
I like my Dragonfly shields.
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg337507#msg337507
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2011, 04:41:21 pm »
I love the quanta that Flooding gives me!

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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg337534#msg337534
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2011, 05:35:51 pm »
woah 0.o Elite Charger's have more hp than attack? You learn something new everyday...
Or is it not a gravity card? ???

ps. why isn't this in humour?

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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg337544#msg337544
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2011, 06:08:06 pm »

I really like "Poison decks are mark of water". He never really used one, right? usually the MARK is water, but since every time he said 'mark' he seemed to mean 'element', i guess it really is
...gratuitous amounts of derpiculous fail.
He also seemed to miss the fact you need a Duo for yhe Pulverizer and Trident to work, it seems. He also can't make a table graph for "fire quanta/5" because it is "too hard to divide". Not only a noob, but it also seems he lacks a good bit of his brain... Since it also seems that both Aether and Gravity have the 3rd best shield - WHAT?

elements review:

for life, the worst card being rustler? really? this guy doesn't even look at the creature's ability or am i mistaken?
Mummy being the worst :death card? 5|3 for 4 quanta is rather nice, actually...
For air... a quote will do:
I like my Dragonfly shields.
Earth: "This element wants to be immortal" "It's only healing card is Stone Skin" anyone else sees a problem with that?"it is mostly used in rushes" and "full of DEFENSIVE creatures" has a problem too.
Water: Flooding giving quanta: what? Also, again, water doesn't have any poisoning card by itself other than Toadfish... All the other poison is Death! (or Air with Pufferfish.)
Gravity: Doesn't he realize that gravity pulling the Dragon means you LOSE a dragon after a time?
Entropy: "If the dissipation shield drains random quanta instead of ... Entropy" Again, he doesn't really know what he's talking about.
Aether: "Spark is the worst card because it has 0 HP and only serves to do some damage but it is way better upgraded." Again, problem.

In general, that was pretty funny. i expect that if I ever fight that guy in PvP he will probably have a really horrible deck. XD like a mono-water unupped poison.
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg337711#msg337711
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2011, 11:12:09 pm »
lmao. I can't even read the whole thing through all the...

...gratuitous amounts of derpiculous fail...
...it contains. Thanks to Gyro for putting this crap in a good place to lol at it :)
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twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
avatar: makoto [persona 5] by asukabaka

Offline Jenkar

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  • Heart's made of shadows
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Re: From the Wiki, with love https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25206.msg343420#msg343420
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2011, 08:00:24 pm »
"The only thing that helps you stay alive is Stone Skin. It is mostly used in rush decks."
I love this.
The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
Beautiful art : http://i.imgur.com/eUhyYCC.png

