8 Booster Packs, each with 8 Stacks (total of 24 cards). Cards were randomized using
http://Random.org list generator.
Find the correct Booster PackClick
ModifyCut the three cards (one Stack) your team wants to take (and delete that line that says "Stack #")
Paste the cards in the Booster Draft #1 - Teams (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,24114.0.html) topic, right under the names and that horizontal line. When you add new Stacks, they should be added next to the old cards, not under them.Click
Save to update both the Booster Packs topic, and this topic.[/list]
In other words, Team Leaders "move" cards from this topic here, to Booster Draft #1 - Teams (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,24114.0.html) topic.
Booster Pack 1 (#post_pack1)
Booster Pack 2 (#post_pack2)
Booster Pack 3 (#post_pack3)
Booster Pack 4 (#post_pack4)
Booster Pack 5 (#post_pack5)
Booster Pack 6 (#post_pack6)
Booster Pack 7 (#post_pack7)
Booster Pack 8 (#post_pack8)