I don't really get the point of the "Destructive" ability...
If you discard this card, the rest of you hand is also discarded. Obviously you will not discard it if you have important cards that you want to keep in your hand. Otherwise, if your hand is full you might discard it. You are then left with 0 cards. That's exactly what a nightmare player will want: an empty hand is where nightmare is the most efficient. I hope I answered your question.
Grasshopper - Nice. Balanced cost effect and makes nightmare mono playable.
Thanks Kael. That was the whole purpose. That is the main reason why the proliferative part of this card is not passively triggered like Flame (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23276.0.html) or Ivy (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,23314.0.html) but actively triggered using

. You can use it in mono darkness but you loose part of it's strength. If you use it in duo


, you gain the ability to swarm but you then have then less space to use synergistic darkness cards (like eclipse, nightmare and steal).
Standalone useage: Significantly underpar.
Clog Hand use: Never discarded.
Clog Field use: Will not clog the field
I don't understand why you think it will never be discarded. If you succeed in clogging your opponent hand, he will have to discard it and then you can feast (see above). Obviously you need to successfully clog his hand which is not always easy.
The card will also not clog you opponents field as aflatoxin might do (if it's what you want to say). However, it can rapidly fill yours. If you activate the ability of each grasshopper every turn, it is just slightly slower than a malignant cell (due to summoning sickness). True, it costs you a lot more quanta but you can control it which clearly worth the quanta spent IMO.
Overall Mechanically:
Please forget this card.
Other critiques:
The name/element do not seem to fit the mechanic thematically.
A series is more credible if it does not try to force the idea into every element.
Obviously you dislike this idea. Concerning the theme, please note that the trivial name of the grasshopper on the picture is "Devil's Horse". It didn't call it this way because I wanted to avoid the darkness/evil association. This little bug is the worse nightmare of the farmers in the area where it lives. Darkness already has two other bugs (parasite and devourer). The proliferative effect is typically a life thing so paying

for it made sense to me. As there was still no creature in game which was a


I thought I might give it a try.
I think it's a bit overpowered. Not everyone plays using Darkness, Rainbows, or Duo's right?
Remember, the card by itself doesn't produce the effect. You have first to use nightmare on it and then your opponent can choose if or when he discards it. The only moment he cannot choose between this card and another to discard is when his hand is full of these and in this case it doesn't really matters.