[01:26:54 PM] ~Napalm: Berf?
[01:26:56 PM] pikachufan2164: berf?
[01:26:57 PM] ~Napalm: Buff Nerf?
[01:26:59 PM] willng3: Berf!
[01:27:01 PM] Sir Valimont: He really needs to berf things more.
[01:27:03 PM] plastiqe: I think if the ability is stop all healing it should be a creature with low HP for fire
[01:27:03 PM] QuantumT: no...
[01:27:04 PM] Astrocyte: berf?
[01:27:11 PM] Isei: lol...
[01:27:12 PM] pikachufan2164: Berf = Bork + Nerf?
[01:27:13 PM] Astrocyte: bah, lagged behind all the other berfs.
[01:27:14 PM] ~Napalm: I've heard of birging... but berfing is a bit ridiculous

[01:27:28 PM] Astrocyte: <--- last to berf
[01:27:36 PM] willng3: That's a Phoenix being Cremated.
[01:27:40 PM] willng3: "Berf!"
[01:27:41 PM] Sir Valimont: I think jmdt just gave berf to a new word.
[01:27:53 PM] jmdt: lol
[01:27:55 PM] ~Napalm: lol!
[01:28:15 PM] Astrocyte: jmdt got berfin hips
[01:28:28 PM] ~Napalm: A frustrated Phoenix goes "Borf!" A cremated Phoenix goes "Berf!"
[01:28:30 PM] QuantumT: napalm, i think that now V2 should run 6 golems
[01:28:32 PM] plastiqe: congrats jmdt, you must be so proud
[01:28:34 PM] ~Napalm: A sick Phoenix goes "Barf!"
[01:28:39 PM] ~Napalm:
[01:28:47 PM] Isei: Opinions: Should I make ROL/Hope or a CCYB first?
[01:28:47 PM] jmdt: FIRE needs somethign after all the phoenix berfs
[01:29:03 PM] jmdt: lol Plastiqe
[01:29:07 PM] ~Napalm: Bad Baaaaad pun... I'm off to Tourney Room 2!
[01:29:20 PM] Sir Valimont: lol
[01:29:21 PM] QuantumT: probably ccyb isei
[01:29:23 PM] plastiqe: lol Napalm
[01:29:27 PM] SnoWeb: I want to berf it! (bare feet)
[01:29:28 PM] ~Napalm: V2 as in vNG 2.0?
[01:29:29 PM] Kjaska: Isei: CCYB
[01:29:33 PM] QuantumT: it builds into more decks
[01:29:51 PM] Sir Valimont: We should all come up with definitions for berf and jmdt can choose the best one.
[01:29:58 PM] Sir Valimont: Sno Web: berf = to go on bare feet
[01:30:00 PM] Isei: How are they on winning % vs false gods?
[01:30:03 PM] plastiqe: we need more Bort licence plates in the gift shop, I repeat we are out of Bort licence plates in the gift shop
[01:30:03 PM] QuantumT: no, just vNG
[01:30:06 PM] Sir Valimont: Napalm: berf = Phoenix being cremated
[01:30:32 PM] ~Napalm: And what would you lose?