lol how could i forget about the mimicking lobo part when it's in the notes of the table?!?
ok then, let's think of some ways to "unbrake" it.
1) Increase cost
2) Change damage
3) There are buffs and quintessence to use
Increase cost won't help right now. It would be underused.
Changing damage sounds pretty much the same problem, since if your opponent doesn't have aether quanta he can't attack.
I don't get the third point. You would be making your creature more powerful

I say:
1) Make it as Butterfly Effect (only targets >3 atk creatures -random number-).
2) Make it target only your creatures (don't like it too much, but it's still an option).
3) Change the ability cost for the element of the creature, and make the attack the one the creature had.
4) A combination of the above.
Also, what would happen if I use this against a mirror shield? Will the attack be "mirrored"?