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Five In One

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Theme: Forbidden Romance - Titanus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19911.msg252346#msg252346
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:55:14 am »

I was a mercenary during the Third Great War. It wasn't easy, as people from one side despised me for being born on their enemies' land, and the other shunned me for my greed and lack of loyalty. It was a tough road to walk down.

Eventually, I found a general who, though very reluctant, was willing to employ me to fight for my home country, Graviton. The only reason he employed me was because I was his son. The other soldiers in my squadron ridiculed me, and persistently made my life miserable as much as they possibly could. For a while, I was able to tolerate it, but I knew things would not stay that way forever.

One night, we were given orders to ambush an enemy camp from the nation of Ayrae, our sworn nemesis. My comrades and I were about halfway to the camp, when suddenly they all stopped underneath a large tree. They seemed to be looking at something, and when I came to see what it was, I felt a blow to the back of my head, followed by a barrage of punches and kicks. I was being attacked by my own team! When they felt they had taught me a lesson, they decided to use their natural abilities to increase the force of gravity on my body tenfold, making me unable to move. They laughed and left me to die under the giant tree, hidden from most passerbys.

Hidden from most, but not all.

As dawn approached, I heard the flapping of wings as a creature descended near me. She must have wanted to relax under the great oak, for it was a moment or two before she realized I was on the other side of the tree. Once she spotted me, she took measures she deemed necessary to help me out of my situation. I could not see most of what she did, for I had landed face-down and could not move my head, but she muttered some ancient words I did not understand, and I felt a transformation taking place inside of me.

What was she doing?

When she had finished her ritual, I found myself able to rise up off the ground, in more ways than one. She could not remove the curses my former comrades had bestowed upon me, but she had instilled me with a mystical Mark of Air, giving me a new gift: the gift of flight. I felt as light as a feather! I felt so alive! So animated! So free! I felt that the order I had known all my life had kept me from experiencing the wonders of the air and sky!

And that was when I first saw her. Off the morning sun, her long, white hair shone brilliantly, and the feathers from her long wings fluttered softly with the pleasant breeze. She was beautiful beyond comprehension, and I felt myself falling in love with her. But before I could utter a word, she smiled softly, and then took off into the endless sky. Clumsily, I attempted to follow her, trying the hardest I could to make sense of how to use my new gifts. I fell behind, but I was persistent. Eventually, I managed to catch up to where she had stopped, to the highest tower in the nation of Ayrae. I was about to enter through a tower window, when I heard voices.

They did not sound pleased.

They knew of my love's deed, and were shocked as to why one of their own had helped one of their most despised enemies during a time of war. The argument went on for quite some time, with no answer being given, but I knew the true reason: she loved me. She had to have loved me, to have helped one of the soldiers who were her people's most hated thing of all. She had to have. That was when I heard the order.

"Execute her at once!"

I could not believe my ears. I burst through the window, but I was not in full control of my powers, and the guards who carried away my beloved were too quick. I was stopped easily by other guards in the room, who seized me with great force, and I could only watch as my love was dragged away out of my sight.

I never saw her again.

The moment my beloved was gone from this world, I felt a surge of anger rise up through my body. I managed to break free of the guards' grip on me and went on a rampage throughout the tower. I unleashed terror and destruction wherever I went, injuring many and breaking everything I could. They deserved it, for taking away my beloved from me! My rampage was so great that I had managed to collapse the tower, bringing its extensive walls down to the ground.

A tower that had taken centuries to build, had been laid siege upon by many, and was the symbol of greatness to the people of Ayrae, had fallen in mere minutes by one man.

After the tower's collapse, I fled, but I still wanted to bring justice to those who had taken my love from me. I wanted revenge. I wanted revenge not only on them, but on those in my own country who refused to accept me after I had left them, and on any who dared to stand in my way.

With my wings, I soar high above my enemies, safe from harm, as I unleash a devastating sky blitz, rending them powerless. If they still stand, I unleash my deadly siege weapons upon them, each supplying mighty blows that arc over their puny walls and shields. Finally, if I ever manage to meet one who can stand up to my might, I emerge fierce as a chimera of both gravity and air, in a final attempt to destroy my enemy, no matter the cost.

For I am unstoppable!

I am a god!




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The basic premise behind this deck is quite simple. Play Titans. Animate Titans. Crush the enemy with 8/50 creatures with Momentum. However, Titanus can be a lot more dangerous than he leads on, especially for a False God.

Titanus has only one real source of creatures, Flying Titans, that devastate his opponents. With 8 attack, Momentum, and 50 hp EACH, they can make for tough creatures to destroy. Not only this, but with the use of Trebuchets, he can sacrifice them for 30 damage each, making for a powerful final blow. However, as this takes a while to set up, he makes use of his Wings to escape harm from most creatures and weapons for 5 turns each. With 8 of them in his deck, he can chain them together almost endlessly, for 40 turns at most! If that wasn't bad enough, he can play them straight out of his mark, too!

Once Titanus has a few Titans out on the field, he'll use Sky Blitz to double their strength for the turn. This can be very painful, but fortunately he can only play these every third turn, or perhaps fourth occasionally, when he replaces his old Wings with a fresh copy. On top of all that, Titanus utilizes, as a last resort, a Chimera to absorb the incredible hp of all his Titans on the field in to a massive barrier to protect himself if times get rough for him. Although he may not be able to use it very often, beware when he can, because most of the time its hp is greater than Titanus's!
Titanus may be a tough, rush-oriented False God, there are ways to exploit his weaknesses and shrink him down to size by following a few tips.

Although this False God may seem unstoppable, he does have a few key weaknesses. His Flying Titans may have 50 hp each, but they are very vunerable to creature control that doesn't actually damage creatures. You can disable his Titans very effectively by using simple cards like Freeze | Congeal, Arctic Squid | Arctic Octopus, Reverse Time, Eternity, Nightmare, and Antimatter. Somewhat effective methods are lobotomizing the Titans, using "web" to make them lose their Airborn status, and using Basilisk Blood on them. Of these, Take care with Basilisk Blood, because while it may get a Titan out of the way for 6 turns, it also gives Titanus larger ammunition to throw at you. Similar problems can occur with Freeze | Congeal and Arctic Squid | Arctic Octopus, as a frozen creature can freeze your weapon as well.

Using Reverse Time and Eternity are probably the best methods of dealing with Flying Titans, because the only way Titanus can get them back out is by playing another Animate Weapon. Eventually, his hand will get clogged with leftover Titans, and he only has a limited number of Animate Weapons in his deck to play them all. Reverse Time and Eternity are also devilishly effective against his Chimera, as you only need one use to get rid of all his creatures!

Permanent control is also key in defeating Titanus. His Trebuchets are important for the final blow, and are important to get rid of when he has a large number of Titans on the field. Just around 3 hits with those, and you've got 10 hp left! Disabling Titans before they become airborn is also important, and should also be considered. Good cards to use to disable these are Deflagration and Steal, the two most obvious choices, Butterfly Effect, and Earthquake | Quicksand. Butterfly Effect is a great way to disable his permanents because Titanus has no creature control, making it perfect to use over and over again. Earthquake | Quicksand is also useful, because without his Gravity Towers, he has no way to play anything besides Wings and Sky Blitz, and perhaps an Animate Weapon to get his last Titan airborn.
As far as offense is concerned, any airborn creatures can easily get past his Wings, along with creatures that have Momentum. Using Saphire Chargers | Elite Chargers can work well, along with any Dragons. Using Parallel Universe | Twin Universe on one of his Flying Titans can give you a big advantage over him, practically hitting him with his own creatures! Crusaders can work well also, being able to have around 10-11 attack to smash Titanus in, regardless of his Wings. If used correctly, poison can also work well against Titanus, because even if your attacks are blocked by Wings, the poison will still seem through his veins, damaging him even if he pulls out a Chimera to defend himself with.

For defense, healing cards are a must. Using Shard of Gratitude, Druidic Staff | Jade Staff, Empatic Bond | Feral Bond, Heal | Improved Heal, and Miracle | Improved Miracle are your best options. While Black Hole, Holy Light | Holy Flash, Luciferin | Luciferase, and Purify are also available, they are not the best options. You may even want to skip Purify and Black Hole entirely, as their usefulness is best against other decks. Cards that increase your hp can also help a lot, such as Shard of Divinity and Stone Skin | Granite Skin. It's important to include at least a few healing cards in your deck, especially those that increase your max hp, because if you cannot implement your strategy quick enough, you may not be able to live past a few turns. Titanus's opening hand can determine how long the game will last.

If you manage to lobotomize his Titans, a Gravity Shield is a perfect barrier, with Phase Shield | Dimmensional Shield at a close second. Only his Momentum-less Titans will be able to get through. If you plan on making his Flying Titans ground-bound as well, using Wings can also be effective, with the downside of being harder to pull off. The reality is, however, if you don't plan on using these strategies and want to remove the Titans via Eternity or Reverse Time, don't bother adding any shields into your deck, as it would be too difficult to make his Titans be affected by them. If you're willing to let them go straight to you, you can use more effective methods to get rid of them.

For weapons, Eternity is the best choice. As said before, its ability to constantly return your opponent's Titans to his hand will eventually get his hand clogged and unable to use. Another choice is Trident | Poseidon for its replayable Earthquake ability, but this is harder to use because an Earth-Water Duo deck doesn't counter Titanus well enough to be effective against it.


  • Guest
Re: Theme: Forbidden Romance - Titanus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19911.msg252884#msg252884
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 11:12:15 pm »
lol!!! made me laugh so loud

Five In One

  • Guest
Re: Theme: Forbidden Romance - Titanus https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19911.msg252915#msg252915
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 12:02:18 am »
lol!!! made me laugh so loud
Well, that wasn't the aim, but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway.

This is a little late, but...

Feel free to post any comments, questions, or suggestions below!

