Trials Phase 1 Card Idea Analysis:Ajit, I'm time and time again impressed by the high quality of your work and I'm a real softy for people who dedicate themselves to what they start. Letting Air integrate more sound type cards into their arsenal is brilliant and you've taken on a very creative slant, as expected from you.
On a more focused note, I find this card to be a little underpowered. The way it stands now it is strong rendering one creature on the field completely useless for basically an eternity, however my one concern is that it by itself isn't contributing much towards damaging its enemy either. It costs 2
to bring it to the field, quanta I might rather use with Shockwave, considering many, many rush creatures have 4HP or less. And aside, with that kind of HP, there's a good chance AI will be programmed to get rid of it fast not letting it survive to use its skill in the first place.
I recommend you give it at least 1 point of attack, as I can guarantee you that if you touch the nest of a mommy Songbird, that it will use its beak for something. They --can-- defend themselves.
Also, taking a new glance at the card Silence, it would make more sense I think if Songbird | Nightingale could Lull as many creatures as it wants to sleep, however make it cost
and the silence required for the creatures to stay asleep is only broken when a card is played by you, thus breaking the "Silence".
Even then it might be a little weak considering you have to have the right timing to not be throwing all your cards out and still be in a strong position for the Songbird to be holding. But a little weak is better than overpowered as are many cards that are suggested.
All in all a brilliant take on the audio aspect of Air and keep up the good work Ajit!! ^_^