This card seems balanced considering the first turn of the shield's delay doesn't actually effect you in any way.
Which makes for some nice additional use when flown. Added strategy FTW.

Does the effect only trigger when the weapon actually deals damage or is it not related to damage? I think you should state that a little bit clearer 
I think it should cost 2|2 more. Obvious reason is obvious 
Well, I think it should be unrelated. Otherwise, this is useless against Phase Shield and of less use against Wings, Dusk, and Fog. However, if the weapon gets frozen, it won't work. I'll fix the description.
If it was 7 and 7, it would cost too much. However, it probably could use a cost boost. Maybe have it 6

for both.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I think of it as momentum, but for just the ability. The damage isn't dealt if the weapon is frozen, but it works if a shield's up.