Pretty close duels all in all; chain Dimensional Shields saved the day. That
mark had me scared for a second when I saw it, but quickly realized this wasn't some form of Dimensional Shield stall (shields would have killed me here for obvious reasons).
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Game 1: Really good starting hand: Pendulums, a Shield or two, and a couple of Forest Scorpions. I reserved playing all my scorpions just to check out what he was packing, saw one get Lightning'd and then realized: "This ain't no stall." Discord dropped, screwed up my quanta for a few turns until my quanta production countered the confounded contraption and then dropped the first Dim Shield. After this it was pretty much elementary: Plague of scorps ran him over, 1-0.
Game 2: It was going okay for a while until my classic fail moment came into play. I had two options: play a Dim Shield or Fractal a Scorp. My ornery lab partner in the background continued to whine about not understanding how to properly recreate the molecular structure for cyanide as I attempted to calculate the amount of quanta I would have on the turn before my Dim Shield expired...which was all good and well except I miscalculated how many more turns my Dim Shield had before expiring. The end result caused the Shield to fall, Discord screwed over my remaining quanta and I never could recover myself. To be fair though, even if I had played my shield instead of Fractal that turn, I doubt I would have had enough damage on the board to counter him before he could kill me. I lost with 3 Shields and a Bond in my hand, 1-1.
Game 3: Disappointed in myself for making such a careless mistake last time, I excused myself for a moment to complete the duel in solitude so as not to become distracted again. This was pretty similar to the first duel, my plague of Scorpions brought him down as I sat safe behind my chain of shields. I believe he died with 26 poison on him.
Great games vagman, I'm glad we could find the time to complete our match without subbing needing to be done