Congrats. Matches went like Dragoon said; It was Earthquakes vs. Earthquakes, but he had 3 tower piles (earth pendulum, time factories, and upped time factories), so it made it harder for me to Earthquake everything. I lost the coin toss both times, which didn't help me either (although it wouldn't have helped significantly if I went first).
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Round 1: Tried to stall the Dragons with Basilisk Blood, but they broke free. I was afraid of Reverse Times, which I found out Dragoon was packing in Round 2.
Round 2: My Owl's Eye chiseled Dragoon's health down for most of the match. Almost sniped a dragon to death until he Reverse Timed it. Knew that I had to play my creatures later in the match or he'd just send them back to my hand while I had little/no pendulums.
As you can tell by the screenshots, I wasn't even close. ;P
GGs Dragoon. You got your vengeance against Team Air after the other matchup!