| |
NAME: | Desecrator of Statues
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 4 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1|3
| TEXT: | : Deal 1 poison damage each time target permanent's ability is used.
| NAME: | Desecrator of Statues
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 4 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 1|4
| TEXT: | : Deal 1 poison damage each time target permanent's ability is used.
ART: | ---
| IDEA: | YawnChainHow
| NOTES: | Bombard targets a permanent with an ability. Each time that permanent's ability is activated, the owner of the permanent is dealt 1 poison damage.
Bombard can stack. If you bombard a Pulverizer twice, the owner of the Pulverizer will take two poison damage each time Destroy is used.
Bombard can only target permanents whose abilities cost quanta. This means that while Eternity, Pulverizer, and Mindgate are valid targets, Fahrenheit and Longbow are not, even though the latter two have the abilities "Fiery" and "Bow" by definition.
Death element because bird droppings are unsanitary, and Death has Plague. That alone was enough for me to make a connection. 
| SERIES: | Card Design Competition: Another Epic 3 Card Design Challenge! (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,13483.0.html)
See notes for details on how Bombard works.
Comments on whether this card is UP, OP, has been done already, or should be scrapped for something else are welcome. This card is probably pretty unbalanced right now, so some feedback for me to work with would be highly appreciated.
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist making this.