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Messages - xunling (6)

Pages: [1]
In-game Troubleshooting / Connection Issues Help
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

Thanks for the update and tips on these issues, Much appreciated.


Trouble getting your game to save
Just had to test the above...
The voodoo works !! :)

General Discussion / What the game mechanics should be
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Disclaimer: I am pretty new to the game and probably haven't explored in full enough detail the different decks and strategies :)  

Reflective shields should NOT reflect poison:
I think there should be some way through these shields. However this does make poison decks quite powerful if you don't pack a purify in a deck.

Untargeted/AoE spells (like Rain of Fire) should hit immaterial creatures:
Again my only argument is that there should be some counter to these creatures.

Bone Walls should stack:
Scaredgirl comment on this I totally agree with. Although would it be too powerful? I've only started using bone shields in the last couple of days, being able to strengthen the shield from you deck would be a nice addition tactics wise.

Canceling a creature's skill should give you quantums back:
Indeed, I don't think being punished for mis clicks is necessary.

Some abilities should NOT be available to mutants (like Sniper, Queen, ...):
I believe that having certain abilities for mutant creatures would make them overpowered, this I guess could be balanced by changing the cost of the card?

Forum Archive / AI issue in top 50 decks.
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:27 pm »

Oh :(

Forum Archive / AI issue in top 50 decks.
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:27 pm »

You do realise skipping games loses you score and gold/electrum, right?
With the top50 games you can return to menu before starting them and then try for a different opponent with out losing score or gold.

Oh yeah here's teh promised list thus far. there is a few more but i didn't note down the names:
broganbogan :- card out, full HP
snurf76 :- card out,
jimezzel :- card out (sp?)
azraeel:- Card out, full HP

Forum Archive / AI issue in top 50 decks.
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:27 pm »

I hadn't heard of the tower bug. I guess all that extra quanta from the bug is part of the problem :s Extra quanta would mean the AI draws even faster than expected.

It's interesting that you say that top50 decks arn't designed with AI play in mind. That hadn't really crossed my mind. Maybe designing top50 decks that will play well with the AI is something to look into by the community (I'm a bit too scrub to do so at this stage)   

Forum Archive / AI issue in top 50 decks.
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:27 pm »

As you are all probably aware there are quite a few rainbow style decks in the top 50. A fair few of them are packed with (mainly upgraded) sundials and golden hourglasses. The issue arrises that the AI that palys these decks tends to draw cards from the abilities on the 2 cards as fast as possible leading to (assuming your deck has some form of shields or healing) an easy card out win. 

What I find unfortunate is that in the hands of a player these decks would be very hard to beat (hence them being in the top 50 I guess) but in the hands of the AI they are sadly rubish. Are there rainbow decks in the top 50 that contain sundials and hourglasses that people have come across that don't have this issue? because at the moment I am skipping numerous games.

Edit: I havea list of the decks that show this behavior at home. I'll post it up when I get there :)

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