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Messages - tyranodon18 (5)

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Elements FAQ
« on: July 01, 2010, 05:15:17 am »
i wanna know if these statistics seem off to anyone else but me, i just faced this person in the T50.  they arent very hard to beat and only a few upraded cards, and i know that the stats are slightly modified, but doesn't this seem just a lot inaccurate

Player Name - 95010708158
Score - 8,388,607 Rank - 1
Win - 49 Lose - 43

im not complaining, merely curious if this is logic or not

General Discussion / Re: What is Elements Trainer?
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:34:14 am »
The trainer is in actuality a great time waster and a fun way to test deck ideas, loaf around, and just overall have fun without any lasting negative effects to your actual deck. :)) :))

i have spent many an hour just having fun buying, selling and upgrading cards for random decks and testing out how good some decks are fully upgraded compared to when they aren't upgraded.

General Discussion / Re: The BAD BEAT thread
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:28:37 am »
experiences such as these are the very reason i stopped trying to win against FG's unles the oracle told me it was one i had a good chance of winning against, and decided to alternate between lv 3, T50, and lv 5.

General Discussion / Re: The BAD BEAT thread
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:26:34 am »
Given that his field was empty and I now needed to take him from practically full to empty, I finally mutated one of my few skeletons and ended up with a mutant azure dragon.  A moment later, after playing 6 TU's on my dragon, he promptly emptied my health from full, and sent me to the menu.  It sure felt like a bad beat to me, though I'm sure some personal stupidity was to blame.  Either way, that sucked.
Since when can Gemini play air creatures? he only has gravity/aether quanta.
he can't play them specifically, but if u mutate a skeleton and get one he can Twin Universe and use Unstopable on it and the just obliterate you and your defense through pure damage output alone.

General Discussion / Re: Elements FAQ
« on: July 01, 2010, 12:06:00 am »
so i noticed that the Flood card says "drown (kill) any non-water and non-neutral creature in the top/bottom rows" but currently the only neutral creature is the malignant cell, which is only available through aflatoxin. my question is this:

Will there ever be any actual neutral creature added to elements aside from the malignant cell?

Pages: [1]