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Forum Archive / Re: top 50 is expensive - a total noob question
« on: February 07, 2011, 06:06:02 pm »
thank you old trees
i appreciate that your answers were on point and direct ;D

Forum Archive / Re: top 50 is expensive - a total noob question
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:46:27 pm »
perhaps i wasnt clear and rereading my post i realize i wasnt clear
i want to play the farms in the top 50
and its expensive poking around waiting for the farms to come up
i was looking for a way to perhaps more directly find them
as for selling the rares why not? ive played about a week and gotten many of them, some more than twice

Forum Archive / top 50 is expensive - a total noob question
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:07:43 pm »
im new to elements (only played 600 games so far lol - record: 346-306)
i have a   :gravity rainbow/otyugh/little critter deck  :gravity and its better than 80% against A3, so im trying to build up rares to sell by playing top 50
but like every click into it costs 15 and if you get some monster deck and click out again you lose the money  :electrum  :electrum  :electrum
and sometimes its 5 or 6 or more clicks to get a farm and even if you happen to master the game you still lose money
and my rating dips hardcore as well
is there something im missing?
its bad enough i have crappy luck IN the games but to have it just looking for a game is depressing

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