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Messages - improvedphoton (21)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:43:19 am »
I wont be online for a short time, a week or two, and since i don't really make progress with this card i guess that this topic can be locked, deleted, or whatever comes on someone's mind :D... Or i could pass it to rowcla if that is possible, cya 8) :D :P

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:39:13 am »
Oh by the way, i found some software to edit pictures, i think i will be able to make the souls soon :D
Random picture :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 15, 2011, 12:48:00 pm »
entropy one needs to do something about cats, acting like chaos power would be op especially as you could just use cats, then they would be buffed stacks and would then be able to do even more damage, very deadly
Aflatoxin makes colourless creatures not death creatures
gravity one might be a touch op as you suggested, maybe only lasts until the end of next turn?
oh yeah and you probably should note my name in the idea part as it seems to have been a considerable bit from me...
I hate that cat... Slows me down xD... Maybe it should mutate a random creature on your side, that way cats wont be cats anymore :D, and ye, :gravity one is op :D, maybe they should cast something like Minor Black Hole, absorbs 2 of 2 random quanta from your opponent, and you gain 1 HP per absorbed quantum, what ya say? :D... And realy?... Death Maggot is colorless? :(... Oh man :(...... Anyway, of course i will note your name in the idea :D, i wanted to even before, i just dont know how to write it, i'm not very good at english -.-'.....

anyway hope you get into crucible!

General Discussion / Re: Maximum Air Blitz in 1 Turn
« on: September 13, 2011, 08:53:08 pm »
MUAHAHAHAHA! Call it, improvedphoton :D :P ;D xD :D :D :D :D :D 8)

General Discussion / Re: Elements Nymph Count
« on: September 13, 2011, 08:44:19 pm »
I had :entropy nymph.... But as my fingers are faster than my mind i sold it -.-'

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 13, 2011, 05:13:43 pm »
If you want this idea to be considered, please put it in the proper format.
Ok ^_^, i was in a hurry to post it... Believe me you never want to have sisters like mine -.-'

MOD: Done! :D 8) :P

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:29:29 pm »
What about we lower the cost and add a counter, like "the next 10 deaths generate souls"?
Hmmm.... Maybe :D

And rowcla, here are my opinions on your Soul's skills :D
 :aether when it a random creature your opponent crontrols loses its skill - not very usefull cause, if there is a Firefly Queen and a full table with fireflyes, it has a very low chance to lobotomize the queen :D (nonetheless its still useful in loads of situations (even this one as it would still weaken hope))
 :air when it dies generate 2  :air (i dunno about this one) - maybe it should dive before it attacks, what ya think? :P :D (in other words its stats would be doubled? I dunno...)
 :darkness when it dies your opponent is drained 1 hp for eachcard in his hand - not quite sure that :darkness creatures should give Souls... But if, this is good :D (you Aflatoxin one of oponent's creatures, use Rain of Fire after the whole table is filled, and POW :D xD, your HP maxed, his HP gone :D) (ummmm aflatoxin doesnt affect their hand...)
 :death when it dies a random creature an opponent crontrols gets a poison couter (or your opponnent could work) - same with darkness, they are soulless (xD), but yeah opponnent would be great (glad you like it)
 :earth when it dies a random creature an opponent crontrols is put in stasis for 2 turns - i'd like to change this, maybe it should destroy the opponnent's shield, or weapon... So if your Gnome Rider dies from Fire Shield, he will have his revenge xD (i hope i hit the names :S) (hmm i reckon destroying permanents would be a tad OP but maybe putting it in stasis?)
 :entropy when it dies use pandemonium (maybe OP but it'll take out the cats at least) - haha xD, maybe not OP if it's the unupped Pandemonium (yeah i figured that it would be that but its still pretty good... but i reckon thatd be cool still)
 :fire when it dies deal 3 damage to a random creature an opponent crontrols - or 1 to all.... maybe... combined with :darkness soul after an Aflatoxin.... Wooohooo! :D xD (1 to all again could be a touch OP but maybe 1 to all creatures including yours)
 :gravity when it dies a random creature an opponent is gravity pulled - same thing as for :aether , Firefly Queen, a lot of fireflyes, one dies, 29 to go xD.... Is 10 the limmit in each row? xD (well again itll still be useful, keep in mind that FFQ is not particularly common so it can still be useful, also Otuyghs will stll prove efficient enough agains FFQ)
 :life when it dies you gain a purify counter - that's what im talking about :D (glad you like)
 :light when it dies you gain 1 life (miracle yay!) - haha xD, well increase to at least 5 (i reckon 5 would be a bit op since this is already a light card, i figured that it should be a weak effect but yeah 1 is probs too low maybe 3?)
 :time when it dies each player draws a card (i dunno...) - maybe (yeah...)
 :water when it dies freeze your opponents weapon - i like this :D (thanks again)

Well anyway, since the nymphs are in all elements, than souls should be too.... Im still not sure for death tough :-\..... Joking  ;D  :P xD (i reckon that they should be in all elements, keep in mind that all though its very important theme isnt always your top priority (take the fact that you can eat a ray of light for example)

Now, the only thing left is to decide what skills should they have, and to create the other elements souls cards... Can someone do that better than me? I'd apprecate that :D... Why?... Cuz im lame at modifying pictures :(
Oh yeah I just realised, these are going to be spawned only by Souls escape right? or are they going to be as seperate cards too?

Oh and as for the other idea 10 deaths is way too much i reckon though i can see what you mean, maybe increase cost a bit and make it immaterial?
No need to increase the cost, we just need to balance the skills of Soul's, They're quite balanced now, but :entropy is still not... Maybe it should give a random increase to attack and HP to a random creature on your side, like Chaos Power... All Soul's skills are more effective if the Soul's Escape is upgraded, so i guess if it's unupped, it gives minimum +1/+1 and maximum +2/+2, and when upped, increase the max to +3/+3.... And no need to make Soul's Escape immaterial, only the Souls should be immaterial... And besides, since it affects every creature on the field, then when opponent's creature dies, he gets a Soul of the creature's element, not you, i think that would be fair enough, and with balanced Soul's skills, it would be great for booth, but more for you if you have a strategy to kill your creatures more often...... As for the :gravity skill, maybe Momentum for all gravity creatures, or just for the Soul, and since both players can benefit from death of their creatures, :time Soul's skill should be that only the owner of the :time Soul draws a card, and :earth maybe health increase? but yeah statis a weapon is surely helpful :D.... And btw i know that Aflatoxin doesn't affect hand, i tough to cast it on one of his creatures, then use rain of fire and i get a lot of :death Souls, and that's why i tought it would be better that when his creature die, he gets a Soul, when mine, i get a Soul :D

Know what? Let's just get some more people to read this topic, im sure that they could come up with something balanced enough to make this work :D :P :)) ;D :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:02:08 am »
What about we lower the cost and add a counter, like "the next 10 deaths generate souls"?
Hmmm.... Maybe :D

And rowcla, here are my opinions on your Soul's skills :D
 :aether when it a random creature your opponent crontrols loses its skill - not very usefull cause, if there is a Firefly Queen and a full table with fireflyes, it has a very low chance to lobotomize the queen :D
 :air when it dies generate 2  :air (i dunno about this one) - maybe it should dive before it attacks, what ya think? :P :D
 :darkness when it dies your opponent is drained 1 hp for eachcard in his hand - not quite sure that :darkness creatures should give Souls... But if, this is good :D (you Aflatoxin one of oponent's creatures, use Rain of Fire after the whole table is filled, and POW :D xD, your HP maxed, his HP gone :D)
 :death when it dies a random creature an opponent crontrols gets a poison couter (or your opponnent could work) - same with darkness, they are soulless (xD), but yeah opponnent would be great
 :earth when it dies a random creature an opponent crontrols is put in stasis for 2 turns - i'd like to change this, maybe it should destroy the opponnent's shield, or weapon... So if your Gnome Rider dies from Fire Shield, he will have his revenge xD (i hope i hit the names :S)
 :entropy when it dies use pandemonium (maybe OP but it'll take out the cats at least) - haha xD, maybe not OP if it's the unupped Pandemonium
 :fire when it dies deal 3 damage to a random creature an opponent crontrols - or 1 to all.... maybe... combined with :darkness soul after an Aflatoxin.... Wooohooo! :D xD
 :gravity when it dies a random creature an opponent is gravity pulled - same thing as for :aether , Firefly Queen, a lot of fireflyes, one dies, 29 to go xD.... Is 10 the limmit in each row? xD
 :life when it dies you gain a purify counter - that's what im talking about :D
 :light when it dies you gain 1 life (miracle yay!) - haha xD, well increase to at least 5
 :time when it dies each player draws a card (i dunno...) - maybe
 :water when it dies freeze your opponents weapon - i like this :D

Well anyway, since the nymphs are in all elements, than souls should be too.... Im still not sure for death tough :-\..... Joking  ;D  :P xD

Now, the only thing left is to decide what skills should they have, and to create the other elements souls cards... Can someone do that better than me? I'd apprecate that :D... Why?... Cuz im lame at modifying pictures :(

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:57:24 pm »
Here's the idea :D 8) :P ;D :))

So... If a :fire creature dies, a :fire Soul appears, if a :water creature dies, a :water Soul appears. Good eh? :D the nymphs are the only thing that haves this kind of mechanics.... Well not the same but scimillar :D, so this is quite a good idea i think, but maybe the souls should not generate quanta, maybe they should have skills.... Example, :light Soul heals you when dies, :fire Soul burns oponent's creatures or the oponent, :water Soul clears poison and gives you heal over time (purify :D), :entropy Soul can mutate itself maybe... but it would be op sometimes -.-, and so on and so on and so on :D.... I'm lovin' it xD, and ya? :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 11, 2011, 02:40:43 pm »
Hmmmm.... Well, as patchx94 said it's not OP, cause it disappears after, but yeah, nice strategy, and when Soul dies, it doesn't trigger Boneyard..... But maybe Soul Catcher could neautralize this card, or just get his 2 :death after Soul dies.... Need more ideas :D, and i will post here as soon as i can the Soul card and the new Soul's Escape :D, you just need to give me ideas! :D xD :D

MOD: And here is the Soul 8)

Found the graphics on net.... And just wait, i got a VERY good idea, i will post it when i'm finished :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:55:12 pm »
to be frank i dont like it

Death effects should be kept to death or at least similar elements (like dark or entropy) furthermore the ability is only of use if your opponent doesnt have a shield and it can only really be used if you have one as well, the mechanic is kind of interesting though, but it needs a change to something else i reckon.

besides this the theme is kinda weird, i mean why is its soul made into photons? Actually that gives me an interesting idea for this.

Instead of this you could make it that whenever a non soul creature dies put an X | X creature onto the battlefield where X is the previous creatures attack

I suppose if you did this you wouldnt need the non soul bit (graveyard doesnt mention non skeleton)

anyway hope this is helpful
Well i forgot to say that darkness and death creatures don't give Photons, and i choose photons cause they look like souls.... Kinda xD.... But i like your idea of the X | X creature.... So you gave me and idea... :D... The creature dies, and spawns a Soul, that has X | 0 and X is the creature's attack, so it's kinda a last chance to attack :D..... And the card's name should be Last Chance.... Maybe.... What ya think? :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul's Escape | Soul's Escape
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:42:45 pm »

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