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Messages - choongmyoung (16)

Pages: [1] 2
FG Proposals / Re: Infinity
« on: April 06, 2012, 12:37:59 pm »
Momentum kills this deck. Poison kills this deck. SoV kills this deck. Also, AI does can't photon bounce since FGs draw twice per turn and the maximum times it can photon bounce is one, so with just a 2 point damage reduction shield, a eternity, and a photon, this guy is extremely easy to beat. Also, the HGs might make the FG kill itself by drawing.
Other things that kill this deck are plague, tons of fire/ice bolts and spine carapace. But last time I checked, FGs were not supposed to be unbeatable. If that was the point, then only Rainbow would stay in the game. Look at some of the recent FGs- Jezebel can be annihilated with PA, and Lionheart succumbs to a patient mono-aether. Besides, is it any fun to play against a deck that is guaranteed to slaughter you? As it says in the "Read this before posting" area of this board, this board is for the enjoyment of the community. Not to develop unbeatable decks.
FG draws only 1 card if there is equal or less than 5 cards in the deck.
Also, FG doesn't use Hourglasses at the same time.
Bouncing - OK.

Crucible Archive / Re: Assassin | Elite Assassin
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:40:27 am »
Great mechanic! Love it.

BTW, How about 0|1 and 0|3 to the shadows?
'Cause assassin can generate 1 shadow each turn if his shadow is destroyed.
If you want to damage elite assassin with owl's eye, you have to hit 3 times in one turn.
3 and 4 in health makes big difference. ( Otyugh=3, Firebolt=3, Snipe=3, RoF=3, Shockwave=4, Elete otyugh=5, Thunderbolt=5)

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Trainer
« on: April 03, 2012, 05:59:40 am »

Type: Creature
Play cost: 4 :light
Picture: Sports Trainer
Stats: 2|3
Ability: :light: train: Target Creature gains +3|+0. Trainer is delayed.


Type: Creature
Play cost: 3 :light
Picture: Sports Trainer
Stats: 4|3
Ability: :light: train: Target Creature gains +3|+0. Coach is delayed.

Can target itself.
It's a soft version of Ablaze.
2 Turn of ablaze = 2 :fire, +4|+0, additional 2 dmg
2 Turn of train = 2 :light, +3|+0, additional 3 dmg

What element should it fit? Is light OK?

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Re: Presser
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:33:35 am »
I would actually suggest that this be a :gravity creature with an :earth ability. Pulvy is already an :earth creature with :gravity ability. Also, keep in mind the number of creatures each element has. Earth has way more flexible creatures (graboid, steel golem, antlion, warden) than gravity (armagio, charger, oty).
Nice idea! Agreed. I will modify it.

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Re: Desert
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:31:20 am »
Problem is, permanent slots are much less important than creature slots. How many permanent slots do people usually use anyways? (2-3 for quanta generation sources, 1-2 other slots, 2 for weapon and shield..) There are a total of 19 permaslots. It's very unlikely that you'll clog them up, and the price  3 :earth for 3 perma clog is really UP. Permaslots aren't even that valuable.
You can get almost all of the 6 Deserts in your starting hand. Maybe 1 or 2 in 30 Cards Deck.
So, If your opponent already placed permanent, when you draw Deserts in the middle or last of the game, The field will be already full.

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Torture
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:22:23 am »

Type: Spell
Play cost: 0  :death
Picture: Like immolation
Ability: Sacrifice a creature to trigger death effect 2 times.

Painful Torture

Type: Spell
Play cost: 0  :death
Picture: Like immolation
Ability: Sacrifice a creature to trigger death effect 3 times.

Death version of immolation.
Soul Catcher + Spark + Torture = 4 Instant  :death
Upped Soul Catcher + Spark + Painful Torture = 9 Instant :death
May generate a faster death deck?
Soul Catcher - Photon - Painful Torture - Retrovirus - Bone wall, Sacrifice - Recluse - ...

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Presser
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:01:04 am »

Type: Creature
Play cost: 5  :gravity
Picture: Man with a hammer
Stats: 3|6
Ability:  :earth :earth: Press: Force the target not-airborne creature to burrow. Target creature's attack is halved.

Elite Presser

Type: Creature
Play cost: 5  :gravity
Picture: Man with a hammer
Stats: 4|6
Ablility:  :earth : Press: Force the target not-airborne creature to burrow. Target creature's attack is halved.

A soft CC.
The creature cannot unburrow unless it have skill unburrow.
Even though the creature is burrowed, It can use their skill.
So it is basically the skill immortality, with attack panelty.
Should it become a mono element?

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Re: Instant version of acceleration | overdrive ?
« on: April 03, 2012, 03:46:01 am »
MUST needs Immortality.
With immortality, It's not OP.

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Re: Desert
« on: April 03, 2012, 03:40:04 am »
Whn I saw the title, I though :earth or :time. Didn't expect :darkness.

Hmm. Agreed. I'll modify the post.
 :earth will be better.

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Desert
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:07:44 pm »

Type: Spell
Play cost: 4  :earth
Picture: Desert
Ability: Generate 3 Sand Dune in your opponent's permanent field.

Desert (Upped)

Type: Spell
Play cost: 3  :earth
Picture: Desert
Ability: Generate 3 Sand Dune in your opponent's permanent field.

Basically, Like malignant cell, it fills up your opponent's field.
If the permanent field is full, It does Nothing.

Pre-Smithy Ideas / Spawn Booster
« on: April 02, 2012, 01:58:58 pm »
Spawn Booster

Type: Permanent
Play cost: 5 :life
Picture: Nest or sth
Ability:  :aether :aether: Target creature summoned in this turn can use its ability now.

Spawn Booster (Upped)

Type: Permanent
Play cost: 5 :life
Picture: Nest or sth
Ablility:  :aether : Target creature summoned in this turn can use its ability now.


Life creatures' playable ablilities: Nymph's Adrenaline, Mitosis
Aether creatures' playable ablilities: Nymph's Quint, Spider's Web, Lobo if flying

Issue Archive / Drawn card disappearing in my hand (Not PvP)
« on: April 02, 2012, 06:14:11 am »
I was grinding AI3.
My deck was elemantal dragon OTK: All 6 SN needed.
I drawn SN, and when I tried to use SN immediatly, It just disappeared.

It's not the first time. I experienced this bug at least 5 times.
All was grinding AI3, with decks: elemental dragon OTK & mono death rush.
These are all after v1.29.

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