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Messages - Tremulant (3)

Pages: [1]
Competitions / Re: Competition- A New Slot [Voting]
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:34:58 pm »
Oh, it occurs to me that I forgot to mention that the 'Tune' card would actually play a tune...No, really.
So the time tune card would play the theme to benny hill as your spamming precogs, the entropy tune would be playing The Mars Volta and the darkness tune would be playing some kind of crappy emo 30 Seconds to Mars.


Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: New Slot Submission Thread
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:01:12 am »
Idea By:Tremulant
Pretty straight forward in operation. Each player can play one tune at a time which will last until the card is destroyed or another tune is played.
The idea comes from warcries, anthems etc. that trigger emotions to benefit your cause. I thought of naming them 'songs' but 'tunes' seem to work better with the nature of the game. The naming is in a similar fashion to Nymphs.

The Green Tune fits in well with Life's healing properties, which only lack a creature heal.

The Grey Tune adds fodder for bonewalls etc and also plays on the theme of creating a mosh pit of skeletons that are attracted to the 'Death' Metal music.

The Red Tune is a similar effect to a Rage Pot, yet on a smaller scale. I realise this may be quite a powerful way to kill 1hp creatures, but no more than any other cards in the game at present (Plague, Fire Shield etc.).

The pictures are all from a free domain website, however they are just placeholders at this stage. Cards for the other elements are a work in progress also.

General Discussion / Total win/loss ratio.
« on: October 16, 2011, 04:53:51 am »
I just played a pvp2 game and this happened:

Opponent: wow, that's a prett impressive win/loss ratio
Me: well, not much of it is pvp
O: oh, what is it then?
M: just ai3 etc.
O: what? theres no way you could have got that deck just from that
M: well i've farmed some fg's also
O: your a cheater. i don't play hackers i'm reporting you to the moderators
M: ok, gl with that

I was playing with a fully upped slightly modded JMZ Classic deck.
My win/loss is 1376/535 (72%).

Is this a high percentage? What's your win/loss %? And why is it not possible to have the deck I was using without having cheated?

Pages: [1]
blarg: Tremulant