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Messages - PuppyChow (1577)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 132
Card Ideas and Art / Re: King Oceanus | Emperor Oceanus
« on: December 03, 2011, 05:55:30 am »
Edited Card.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Volcanic Monster | Volcanic Beast
« on: December 03, 2011, 05:45:30 am »
Card edited.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Skelesaurus | Skelesaurus
« on: December 03, 2011, 05:30:50 am »
Card edited.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Pyramid | Pyramid
« on: December 03, 2011, 05:01:02 am »
Dangit. A Pyramoid was going to be time's card in the supermassive series. The idea was it would pay 5 time and generate a pharaoh or a mummy (70% mummy, 30% pharaoh) and then get put in stasis for 3 turns.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Skelesaurus | Skelesaurus
« on: December 01, 2011, 08:58:14 pm »
Nu i only meant Skele and Bone dragon. I dunno about being unfair, bah. Does this add 3 counters to bonewall? (2 for effect +1 for death trigger)
If it were only an extra counter i think it would be OK.
Bony for the unupped adds 2 extra counters, upped adds 3 extra counters.
Also, if a bone wall is not present at all, in its current form bony would replace any shield you have with 2 counters or 3 counters, effectively creating a small bone wall.

Also, since this seems to be the card that gets the most discussion, I've added a poll here and want to make a decision before I post any more of the ideas.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Skelesaurus | Skelesaurus
« on: December 01, 2011, 02:59:12 am »
Not entirely offtopic, how would you think about the bonewall stuff applying to all the boney creatures in game?
Not sure. I'd be alright with skeleton getting it, but the bone dragon getting it wouldn't really be fair because then it'd be the only dragon with an extra effect (unless you count phase). I'm assuming you don't mean every creature with bones lol.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Oceanus | King Oceanus
« on: December 01, 2011, 02:54:49 am »
Once again the Supermassive card could be easily adjusted
40 -> 40/a
202 -> 2+200/a
204 -> 4+200/a

There is not much difference between 12 normal hp and 42 Supermassive hp.

Also: Who hasn't wanted to throw a seamonster at their opponent.
Me :P. I also plan on making a few more cards that having the high health benefits from (spell/permanent cards), so there's that.

As for overdrive being OP, I think it'd be a viable strategy sure, but keep in mind it would die after the fifth turn. It would do 4 + 10 + 16 + 22 + 28 damage then die. Hmm. That might be a bit OP.

A few (maybe only one now) of the supermassive's have another new passive named "Constant" that makes them unable to be readied (making an ability that costs 6 time free just isn't fair). I could include not being able to be accelerated or adrenalined with that passive and add it on to this card.

Card Ideas and Art / King Oceanus | Emperor Oceanus
« on: November 30, 2011, 11:18:52 pm »
King Oceanus
6 :water
1 | 17
Tide: Gain +3/-4 for 4 turns, followed by -3/+4 for 4 turns.
Constant: Cannot be readied, accelerated, or adrenalined
Emperor Oceanus
6 :water
1 | 21
Tide: Gain +3/-4 for 5 turns, followed by -3/+4 for 5 turns.
Constant: Cannot be readied, accelerated, or adrenalined
Jon Sullivan, but public domain ( )
Used to be a part of supermassive series, now high health.

Constant because the tide can't exactly be changed, it it could possibly be OP (at least the emperor might be) with overdrive. Might be removed later.
High Health

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Status Spread | Status Spread
« on: November 30, 2011, 11:07:09 pm »
This does require multi-targeting in a fashion though. Not sure how easy that is coding wise, though it would open up plenty of other possibilities for cards.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.29
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:48:45 pm »
I think people are misunderstanding the point of having winner's vote too.

If a loser votes no: Nothing; normal rank gain and 10 electrum gained.
If a loser votes yes: Double rank gain and 20 electrum gained.

Effect of this:
Original decks that win are rewarded a lot.
Unoriginal decks that win are rewarded.
Original decks that lose and unoriginal decks that lose are the same.

But if it were made so winner's vote too...
If a winner votes no: Nothing; normal rank loss and 0 electrum gained.
 If a winner votes yes: Half rank loss and 2 electrum gained.

Original decks that win are rewarded a lot.
 Unoriginal decks that win are rewarded.
 Original decks that lose are punished a little bit.
Unoriginal decks that lose are punished.

Keep in mind gaining two electrum is still a punishment when compared to gaining ten.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Skelesaurus | Skelesaurus
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:41:26 pm »
sidetracking to an adjacent convo in this thread- any card can have unlimited passives, they do not have a conflict in the coding.  active abilities (even ones which dont require activation to use, its a bit of a misnomer, but still) can only have one per card
While this is true, it's highly recommended to give each creature 1 passive ability max (with the exception of Airborne, for the reason I stated before), mostly because 2 simple -not meaning vanilla- creatures are better for the game than 1 complex one.
I still like this card, but I would like it to have only one passive skill.
It's codeable, and having two or three passives doesn't really make things that much more complicated.  The only reason why most creatures have 1 passive (excluding airborne, and mutant) is because the only other passive not exclusive to one creature (or two, in the case of "ranged") is poisonous, and even that is pretty exclusive.  Why would a complex creature be worse for the game?

Having said that, I think all passives are explained in the card text of the given creature, except airborne, ranged, and poisonous, which are fairly self-explanatory.  Making a passive that isn't "obvious" to understand without an in-text explanation may be a bad idea.

So yeah, I guess "supermassive" may be problematic to introduce.
The hope is that on one of these card ideas I'll have enough room to write out supermassive's effect :P. I admit that it's a problem, but it could be solved by Zanz making an "Elements Dictionary" on the main page of the game that would explain all effects in detail. It's one thing I think the game needs anyway.

To Oldtrees: My bad; I forgot that catapult also poisons the opponent if the creature has poison on it. For some reason I thought you were talking of adding deadly poisons into the deck to provide poison. I agree, that could end up being a cool deck.

To the general consensus that this card would be better without supermassive and with lower health: I'm beginning to agree with you here. But until I think of a better, and bigger, creature that could be death's card in this series, it'll stay as is.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Volcanoid | Volcano
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:33:40 pm »
Like said before, this should be an :earth card with :fire ability cost. Volcanoes are mountains with lava coming out of them, and if we have to pick an element for a mountain, I cannot see any other choices than :earth . To me :earth :fire would seem like a perfect fit, probably one of the easiest element choices ever.

But my biggest issue with this card is the fact that this card is a creature. A volcano.. not a permanent but a creature. Um.. what? This would lead to all kinds of silly things like being able to lobotomize a Volcano or even eat it. If a mountain is not a "permanent" then what is? :)

Thematically, I would make Volcano so that it is a permanent and you can make it erupt, say every 3 rounds or so, and it recharges in between eruptions. This would better fit to what a Volcano actually is and does in real life. But if it has to be a creature, then a new theme would be better.

Also, have you considered changing "Supermassive" into something else because it sounds like a lame techno band. :) Massive, Colossal or Enormous would fit better in the fantasy theme imo.
The problem then becomes that since this is a series, then what would fire's supermassive creature be? It's hard to come up with something in the natural world made out of fire big or imposing enough to warrant upwards of 70 health. A volcano is indeed a mountain that spews lava. However, if it didn't spew lava, it wouldn't be a volcano. It would be a mountain. The fire is what makes it a volcano. Since it has a standing attack, it's meant to imply that it is continuously erupting, maybe from a side channel or something, so it is always creating a lava flow.

If it were just a mountain, then yes, maybe it could be earth. But it's not. It's a mountain spewing fire. Just because firefly queen is a bug doesn't mean it should belong to life. It's a bug that, above all else, lives in the air. Same for the ghost of the past. Saying "it should be death, because it's really just a ghost, from times since past" is akin to saying "it should be earth, because it's really just a mountain that spews fire" as both elemental choices ignore a key feature of the card's identity.

Also, yes, many of these creatures are more like landforms in their current form. That's more a result of me not being artistic and not taking the time to find royalty free art that truly fits. Same for the actual name of the card. The name can change; it could be "Volcanoid Beast" for all I care. In fact, that'd probably be a much better name for it. The problem is that then I'd have to find art that fits -- and creating art like that (making a volcano into a more human or animal like figure) is way above my ability.

 I mean, honestly, when I make a card idea, it's more for the concept, not the aesthetics. The name "supermassive" is included in these aesthetics as something I don't really care about. Massive, Colossal, or Enormous are all also fine names in my opinion. The concept behind the name is what matters, such as the cost, ability, attack, and defense.

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