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Messages - KnobDoctor (9)

Pages: [1]
Half Bloods / Re: Half-bloods Are they worth it now?
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:59:46 am »
AI5 - If you have a very high win % deck for AI5 than you should find yourself earning a lot of cards.

I don't think this is true at all, not compared to T50.  Your chances aren't as good as T50 because you've got more onesy-twosy cards in FG decks, compared to sets of six in T50 decks.

Half Bloods / Re: Half-bloods Are they worth it now?
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:59:25 pm »
I tried farming half-bloods a few weeks ago and decided that it simply wasn't worth it.  Even if you leave aside the farming decks, Top 50 seems to pay off much better -- you can play 3-4x as many games in the same time, plus you are MUCH more likely to get cards since so many decks have six of each.

Issue Archive / Scarab vs Fire Shield
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:33:09 pm »
I searched the thread and I didn't see this anywhere.

I was playing a game against an AI5 opponent with two Pharoahs.  I had a Fire Shield up.

Pharoahs each created Elite Scarabs (shown as 3/1).

During the attack, the Scarabs do 3 damage each.

Then the Scarabs change to 3/2.

Since N = the number of scarabs at the end of the turn, shouldn't the scarabs have died to the Fire Shield?

Darkness / Re: Dusk Mantle / Improved Dusk
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:28:23 am »
If this is going to affect weapons, then it needs to explicitly say that it does.  The game is confusing enough for a noob without cards being wrong/untruthful.

Not bad.  I also tried it with everything unupped except for still worked pretty well.

This isn't too good once one of the reflect shields comes out, though.

Life / Re: Shard | Shard of Gratitude
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:07:18 pm »
I'm really curious here.  So many Top 50 decks have six of these...exactly why do we think this isn't overpowered?

@KnobDoctor: Has that happened during one hour? If that's so, it's possible that the RNG works with the in game time.
Yes...and I just sat down to play again (restarting the game) and the first one that pops up is avenger.  I'm going to keep track of who shows up on T50 for a bit and we'll see if the numbers make sense.

EDIT: I beat him.  Then I hit T50 again, and got...avenger.

@KnobDoctor: Sometimes restarting the game helps. The RNG works with one seed per start, which determines which numbers will be generated, and a restart changes the seed. At times I faced Divine Glory 16 times in a row.. so always try restarting first ;)
I've restarted it a couple of times now and it's still leaning heavily toward avenger...  It was the second one that came up this morning.  I suppose it's all within the realm of possibility...

I'm getting lots of bad draws as well.

Also, when farming T50, the RNG seems dead-set on giving me the same opponents over and over.  That would be okay except that they're the ones I can't beat.  (For the record, the one that came up the most was avenger's deck.)

Edit:  three more times since I posted this 20 minutes ago.

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