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Messages - IStoneI (62)

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Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 28, 2010, 08:57:54 am »
^^actually no. if they look alike, its a coincidence. i drew it with the calligraphy tool in inkscape and just wanted it to look somehow "magicy" and a little bit like resembling a flame. (although, i am not completely surprised, since i knew, that many chinese symbols have a knack of looking like what they are supposed to represent.) :D

but if it looks similar to the chinese symbol for fire, the better. it gives the symbol some actual meaning. :)

Forge Archive / Re: Phase Cultist | Phase Priest
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:37:04 am »
i tried an aether deck with death mark (and 2 to 3 death towers) once in the trainer. it pretty much was based on a combination of bonewalls, vultures and fractal + ball lightnings.
imagine 6 or 7 ball lighnings, doing 30 to 35 damage in one round, while building up 12 layers of bonewall and pushing the vultures.

i think, it was much worse, than this card could ever be. of course, it had its weakness. if the enemy played a bonewall early, this deck was worth nothing.

i personally like the card. it fits the aether theme well and doesnt seem too powerful.

Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:13:18 am »
nope, its the third point in the notes. i also made it indestructible, since the purpose of this card is to get a new mechanic, to counter all the ways, to destroy permanents, without being dependant on earth mana and protect artifact.

Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 28, 2010, 12:18:29 am »
the people have spoken. shield it is. now ill just have to get a curator, to comment.

Level 4 - Reliquary / Re: Schrödinger's Cat | Schrödinger's Cat
« on: May 26, 2010, 09:55:28 am »
hahaha. nice idea. i approve it, simply because its physics related^^

reminds me of this:

but seriously, it doesnt seem too powerful. doesnt have too much hp, and also the ability cost is allright. i like it.

PS: the ability should really read:  :entropy :entropy observe: schrödingers cat is either dead or alive. ;)

dont forget to mention, that you can only have two unupped cats at the same time in play and that you can only use the ability of one cat per round, because if one is dead, the other has to be alive :D

the upgraded version doesnt have these limitations of course^^

this gives me ideas XD

(just to clarify, this is a joke :) )

score! after weeks of nothing, finally an auburn nymph.

now i've got

1 :gravity
1 :earth
2 :life
1 :water
1 :air

was spinning for them every day, since release. these are really rare cards^^

Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 24, 2010, 03:53:48 am »
ok, guys. sorry for the late change, but i really wanted to add this third option. its essentially a compromise between the spell and the shield version.

also added all versions to the first post for convenience.

youre able to change votes, if you like and the poll will still be up a view days, so i figured it hopefully wont do too much damage to the outcome. i just hope there will be more people to vote.

Card Art / Re: Art request: Battle Standard
« on: May 22, 2010, 12:52:32 pm »
they look pretty good. but how about just using the symbols instead of the whole mark (get rid of the spheres). or take the glossy and 3d effct on the marks away. they look a little bit out of place, as they are now, imo.

Crucible Archive / Re: Coat of Arms | Coat of Arms
« on: May 22, 2010, 11:42:38 am »
interesting, although im a bit sceptical about the damage. together with titan or morning glory, its 12 damage per turn just from permanents. on the other hand, i've seen my fahrenheit doing more than 50 damage. but still, i like it.

Crucible Archive / Re: The Reaper | The Reaper
« on: May 22, 2010, 11:24:36 am »
hmm, 6 reapers 1 bone dragon, kill the bone dragon => 6 more powerful bone dragons for  1/2 the cost. and thats the nice version. what about growing or blessed cratures in a rainbow deck? 2 or 3 of this card would be the ultimate protection for them.

what happens, if a reaper dies due to fire shield or thorn carapace and there is another reaper on the field (base value is 0|3 ?)? what happens, if a creature died through poisoning? what happens, if your opponent plays a spark? what happens, if multiple creatures are dying simultaneously? (although the will probably die from "left to right")

i think, the cost should be raised to 7  :death or 9 :death, to be in line with twin universe | mirror universe costs. other than that, the idea is great.

Forge Archive / Re: Forest Dryad | Forest Dryad
« on: May 22, 2010, 11:04:05 am »
like it. nice looking card. not too powerful and an interesting combination of existing mechanics. card and ability cost is allright.

Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 22, 2010, 09:43:14 am »
just to clarify: of course not :) its supposed to trigger once per quicksand.

still, i see a problem with coding in regard to the shield version, since the effect is not removed after its triggered once, like with the spell version.

i have to guess, that earthquake/quicksand simply work as destroying 3 layers of pillars (like if you're using 3 explosions in succesion, but in one card). so it could be pretty difficult to implement. well, time will tell.

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