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Messages - DrOctaganapus2 (174)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 15
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Vvarg | Vvarg
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:42:16 pm »
Yep, cost

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Graviton Pulse | Graviton Pulse Generator
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:57:43 pm »
I like the spell unupped and permanent upped. It is certainly a new twist!

The Ability seems more useful to earth, yet also works for  :air :P

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Vvarg | Vvarg
« on: July 14, 2011, 12:40:47 am »
Just seems made to stop Lava Golems, Crimson Dragons and Accelerating Armargios/Titans. I like it a lot. Although it should be 4/3. 5 is a little costly for 50%

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Refresh | Rejuvinate
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:33:03 am »
Theme:  :time
Name:  :water
Should be:  :life

Buff This Card! / Re: Antlion | Elite Antlion
« on: July 10, 2011, 07:54:22 pm »

No. Momentum is gravity special :). I was thinking of it since the Antilion could burrow under the shield and attack, but not all shields.

Buff This Card! / Re: Antlion | Elite Antlion
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:59:14 pm »
Maybe the Antlion could have a Special Passive Ability:

"Low Blow: When Burrowed, Antlion ignores certain shields"

Those Shields would be:
Titanium Shield
Permafrost Shield
Thorn Caprice
Emerald Shield
Solar Shield
Fire Shield
Skull Shield (Stops 1 Damage)
Weight Shield

But cant ignore:
Dimensional Shield
Dissapation Shield
Fog Shield
Dusk Mantle

Crucible Archive / Re: Confusion Aegis | Confusion Aegis
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:13:18 pm »
I think this card is amazing!

1. Its reliable for  :entropy
2. It assists in stoping rushes
3. It makes spamming creatures dangerous
4. Its a fair cost
5. Is it 25/25 for attacking allies/owner?
6. It stops Adredaline dead in its tracks
7. It gives Entropy more time to focas on attack
8. Deserves to be in the game
9. Awesome Picture

Forge Archive / Re: Desecrated Temple | Desecrated Temple
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:36:08 am »
Thats an awesome idea! Although I dont know how I will feel about this considering I am (attempting) to run a  :light :darkness deck. Although the only problem with  :light :darkness is that both elements cards are bloody expenisve.

I farm 1 for items

2 for gold for 3

3 for score and cards

4 for a chance for upped cards

Series / Re: Scorpions (Expansion Pack)
« on: July 04, 2011, 07:44:09 pm »
My favorites are:

 :earth :water :darkness

But I like  :earth the most!

Yes. This person would do it for the money, why shouldnt I?

Also, wasnt this a movie. A guy had a desicion. Press a red button; get 1,000,000 Dollars but someone in the world had to die.

Besides, 1 Death to save millions. Its OK if someone takes one for the team. But if its someone I dont want to die, like my mother, father, self, friends, etc. I wouldnt press it.

Anvil Archive / Re: Dune Crusher | Dune Sweeper
« on: July 04, 2011, 03:28:13 am »
The cost is too high for the unupped. Maybe 7/5.

Does this stack with Procrastination?

Awesome Ability and helps  :time with decent CC

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